Thursday, 31 December 2009

Germany in a Credit Crunch | Made in Germany

Germany in a Credit Crunch | Made in Germany

Its becoming more and more difficult for companies and consumers to get a loan. Buying a new TV on credit,pre-financing a large project or starting a business lenders are forcing potential borrowers to run the gauntlet.The reason: Banks are only willing to loan money when theres adequate collateral involved. Risk-taking,it seems,is a thing of the past. Report by Dan Hirschfeld

US Intelligence Knew about the Terrorist Attack

Did US know about Christmas day attempted terrorist attack?

US Intelligence Knew about the Terrorist Attack ?

After a Nigerian man allegedly attempted to blow up a plane on Christmas in Detroit, many questions have been raised as to how much American officials knew about the plan. Several reports have indicated that American officials knew about the Christmas day attack, so what happened and why was nothing done?

Wednesday, 30 December 2009

The Barack Obama Song The Audacity For Nope

The Barack Obama Song : The "Audacity For Nope."

The "Barack Obama Song" Strongly Questions The Ideology Behind The Barack Obama Sound Byte Driven Socialist Presidential Campaign. This Song Goes On To Discuss The Role That Government-Run Programs Have Played In Destroying Personal Initiative And Pride

2009 Economic Crisis The Inflation Nation Theme Song 2009 bailout collapse of the dollar

2009 Economic Crisis - "The Inflation Nation Theme Song" - 2009 bailout, collapse of the dollar


Call GlennBeck and your local radio station and ask them to play this song
on the air. America's "false prosperity" is coming to an end and the government
stimulus plans are only making it worse. Help me get this message out to your
local community and to the country. The more we water down our "Currency Kool-aid,"
the more painful the eventual catostrophic fall we be.

Fun Factoids:
Vocals, Lyrics, Parodies, Characters and Artwork produced by DJ Clayvis
DJ Clayvis also plays the wood block.

Monday, 28 December 2009

Obama speech from Hawaii on the Terrorist attack

Obama Outlines Steps U.S. Taking to Protect Ski

President Barack Obama says he has ordered a review of the nation's watchlist system and of air safety regulations, and has asked his national security team to keep up the pressure on terrorists aimed at attacking the U.S. (Dec. 28)

Chinese man throws bicycle at two purse snatchers

Chinese man throws bicycle at two purse snatchers. After seeing two guys on a scooter snatch a woman's purse this man put a stop to the get-a-way. He slams them with his bike which delayed the escape until reinforcements arrived :) We should have people like this brave man and the posse in every country

America follows Soviet footsteps in Afghanistan

Co-founder of the Reagan Doctrine, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher speaks about the war in Afghanistan

The American presence in Afghanistan has been a thorny issue on Capitol Hill. And many politicians compare the U.S. experience to the Soviet campaign in the 1980s. Co-founder of the Reagan Doctrine, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, describes one possible solution.

Sunday, 27 December 2009

Charlie Sheen Arrested on Domestic Assault Charges

Actor Charlie Sheen is out on bond after being arrested in Aspen, Colorado, on charges related to an alleged case of domestic violence. (Dec. 26)

Saturday, 26 December 2009

Santa Claus Brings 9/11 Truth to Japan The Corbett Report

Santa Claus comes early to Japan this year and he's armed with 9/11 Truth, including Japanese translations of Harrit et al's paper "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in WTC Dust"

Thanks to Yumi Kikuchi for supplying Japanese translations of this material. Thanks to Murray Carr and Jamie Owens for helping with the camerawork.

Happy Holidays from The Corbett Report! via youtube

Pope Attacked by a woman filmed from a cell phone

Raw Video: Pope Knocked Down at Christmas Mass

A woman jumped the barriers in St. Peter's Basilica and knocked down Pope Benedict XVI as he walked down the main aisle to begin Christmas Eve Mass on Thursday. 2 Americans, Marybeth Burns and Steve Burns, captured that moment on their cameras.

Pope's Security Questioned

AlQaeda Terrorist attack on Delta US aircraft - 26 Dec 09

US authorities say a passenger on board a transatlantic flight is in custody after trying to ignite an explosive device on the plane.

The incident happened as the flight made its final descent into the US city of Detroit.

The White House has called it "an attempted act of terrorism".

Al Jazeera's Azhar Sukri reports.

Friday, 25 December 2009

Nigerian Al-Qaeda Linked Passenger Attempts to Blow Up Detroit-bound Plane

Breaking News Nigerian Al-Qaeda Linked Passenger Attempts to Blow Up Detroit-bound Plane 25 Dec 2009

A passenger, reportedly linked to terrorist organization al-Qaeda, set off an explosive device aboard Northwest Airlines Flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit, injuring himself and two other passengers, law enforcement officials said Friday.

The passenger, identified as a Nigerian citizen who tried to blow up the plane but the explosive device failed, told investigators he had acquired the explosive in Yemen, along with instructions as to when it should be used. The Nigerian citizen also claimed, according to ABC, to be an al-Qaeda member. Authorities however, say the credibility of the suspect’s statements are being questioned.

Read more >>>>

CSPAN Caller I am So Mad About HealthCare, I Took Down My Xmas Tree

CSPAN Caller: I'm So Mad About Health Care, I Took Down My Xmas Tree

Obama grants Interpol immunity as foreign assets assigned to U.S. homeland

Video Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas everyone!

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas

I wanted to wish all my readers happy holidays and Merry Christmas. and in case you feel generous there is a Donation button on the right , each donation no matter how small it is is very welcome in these tough times for all of us ...Merry Christmas and happy holidays

Thursday, 24 December 2009

US on rocky road to recovery - 23 Dec 09

US on rocky road to recovery - 23 Dec 09

The world's number one economy is swinging back from its worst recession in decades, but not at the rate many had hoped.

The US economy recorded 2.2 per cent growth from July to September - its first growth in more than a year largely driven by massive government spending.

But figures also show that businesses are still not investing, banks are not lending and, despite the holiday season, consumers are not spending leaving the prospects for a sustainable recovery uncertain.

Jon Nadler Beware of Gold Rally

Breaking News Pope Knocked Down at Christmas Mass

A Vatican spokesman says a woman jumped the barriers in St. Peter's Basilica and knocked down Pope Benedict XVI as he walked down the main aisle to begin Christmas Eve Mass. The Rev. Ciro Benedettini said the pope quickly got up and was unhurt. (Dec. 24)

Jesse Ventura Big Brother Conspiracy Theory
Bob Chapman debunks Market Manipulation by the Big Banks
Dennis Kucinich: US War Presidents ignore Congress & Constitution

Dennis Kucinich: US War Presidents ignore Congress & Constitution

Dennis Kucinich: US War Presidents ignore Congress & Constitution

Anger is growing among Americans - who say less money should be spent on the country's overseas military campaigns and more on tackling the country's domestic problems. U.S. congressman Dennis Kucinich, who spoke exclusively to RT's Dina Gusovsky, says America can no longer afford war-based economy.

Iranian President Ahmadinejad Interview Channel 4 Dec. 24 2009
Peter Schiff Wall St Unspun - December/23/09

Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Sunday, 20 December 2009

Small town America battles downturn - 20 Dec 09

Small town America battles downturn - 20 Dec 09

Small towns in the US have struggled during the recession, as plants close their doors and jobs were cut.

Earlier this year, one such town - Danville, Virginia - was struggling to cope with soaring unemployment rates near 15 percent.

The local food bank was overwhelmed, and small businesses were barely surviving.

And though the unemployment rate is dropping, its still in the double digits.

Al Jazeera's Cath Turner reports

Thursday, 17 December 2009

Tiger Woods better person of the year than Bernanke says Charles Goyette
Top 2010 Stocks Charts

A second Climategate from Russia ?

Another Climategate ? Russian data cherry picked by CRU to fit theory

A leading Russian think-tank claims the British meteorological office has been misrepresenting Russian weather data to manupulate the results and suggest rising temperature trends. The Moscow Institute of Economic Analysis alleges the Hadley Center for Climate Change used only a quarter of the data provided by Russia. Analysts for the agency imply that climate experts selectively used incomplete reporting that emphasized a warming effect.

Hugo Chavez if the Climate was a bank they would have saved it already

Police Confront Protesters As Climate Talks Stall

U.N. climate talks were deadlocked Wednesday, two days before global leaders hoped to sign an agreement. Police confronted protesters outside the Copenhagen conference venue with pepper spray and batons. (16 December 2009)

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Store Owner Obama Does not Care About Us

Obama do not care about small businesses ?

Local hardware store owner Larry Gray on Obama pushing his jobs program at a large chain store.

obama job creation small business jobs program hardware business jobs local business home depot larry gray politics

Monday, 14 December 2009

John Stossel on Christmas Charities Scam

John Stossel on Fox News: Holiday Scam

Be careful who you donate to this Christmas season; you may be funding some shopping sprees! John Stossel investigates the United Homeless Organization of New York.

john stossel fox news holiday scam charity donation donate new york united homeless organizaion christmas holidays

Tea Party The Documentary on FBN

Documentary film maker Luke Livingston on the grass movements that may shake the political makeup of America.

america documentary Luke Livingston Politics

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Obama poll numbers sinking 11 months into his term

Obama poll numbers sinking 11 months into his term , president aproval rating fell to 47%
Is the press keeping up with the blur of Obama's agenda?

Sarah Palin on The Tonight Show Conan OBrien William Shatner 12/11/09

Sarah Palin on The Tonight Show w/Conan O'Brien & William Shatner 12/11/09

Sarah Palin turns the tables on William Shatner on The Tonight Show.

politics palin conan shatner

Armed Response to Climategate question

Journalist Phelim McAleer ('Mine Your Own Business', 'Not Evil Just Wrong') asks Prof Stephen Schneider from Stanford University an Inconvenient Question about 'Climategate' emails. McAleer is interrupted twice by Prof Schneider's assistant and UN staff and then told to stop filming by an armed UN security guard.

Thursday, 10 December 2009

UFO or missile trace? Mystery spiral lights over Norway

Norwegian spiral light raises Controversy

Norwegian authorities are investigating strange lights seen in the arctic sky. The spiraling white light was seen for several minutes on Wednesday morning. Locals say the light appeared to be bigger than the moon. Thousands of Norwegians bombarded the Meteorological Institute to ask what the light could possibly be. Some feared it could have been a meteor, others a black hole and there were those who thought it could have been aliens. But defence experts in Olso suggest its more likely to have been a failed Russian missile launch from the area of the White Sea. They think a rocket probably got out of control and self destructed. There's been no official comment from the Russian Military.

UFO Norway strange lights video caught on tape RT Aliens invasion must watch missile UFO meteorite Norway meteor UFO

UFO-show in Norway sky welcomes Obama for Nobel Prize ceremony

UFO IN NORWAY , Spiral Light 9 Dec 2009

Norwegian authorities are investigating strange lights seen in the arctic sky. The spiraling white light was seen for several minutes on Wednesday morning. Locals say the light appeared to be bigger than the moon. The phenomenon comes a day before Obama arrives in Norway to receive his Nobel Peace Prize Award.

UFO Norway strange lights video caught on tape RT Aliens in invasion must watch missile UFO meteorite Norway meteor UFO

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

John Stossel on Obama Green Jobs & Economy

John Stossel on False Promises of Green Economy 09 Dec 2009

John Stossel's new show on Fox Business debuts on The 12/10 at 8pm!

Giant Waves Crash on Hawaii Beaches

Thousands of spectators and surfers are flocking to Hawaii's beaches to see the biggest waves in years crash ashore. A legendary big wave surfing contest may be held Tuesday for the first time since 2004 if waves reach a minimum of 40 feet. (Dec. 7)

Alex Jones Secret Copenhagen Documents Leaked

In this Alex Jones's second special message about Climategate, the UN Climate Change Conference at Copenhagen and the Global Takeover, he analyzes the leaked documents in a draft of the treaty that expose the true intentions of the meeting-- to shut down development in the Third World and dominate the planet through a carbon tax.

Alex also exposes President Obama's cynical move to have the EPA declare CO2 to be a danger-- in the face of logic and common sense. Through this designation, regulation could be implemented in the name of cutting emissions even if the Senate were to fail to ratify the Copenhagen treaty, which Obama is expected to sign.
Part 1 of 2 :

Part 2 of 2 :

Copenhagen climate summit in disarray after Danish text leak

The UN Copenhagen climate talks are in disarray today after developing countries reacted furiously to leaked documents that show world leaders will next week be asked to sign an agreement that hands more power to rich countries and sidelines the UN's role in all future climate change negotiations.

Copenhagen climate summit in disarray after 'Danish text' leak

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Leaked climate draft sparks anger at Copenhagen Summit - 09 Dec 09

The climate change conference in Copenhagen is barely under way and already a leaked draft agreement is pitting developing nations against their wealthier counterparts.

If the documents are accurate, the proposal would see more power in the hands of rich nations, the UN's negotiating role sidelined and the Kyoto Protocol abandoned.

Developing nations are furious and say they will not sign on to an inequitable deal that they argue would limit their economic growth.

Al Jazeera's Alan Fisher explains.

Dennis Kucinich on The Cost of the War in Afghanistan

Dennis Kucinich "I Have Seen The Slow & Steady Erosion Of The Constitution Of The United States!

congressman dennis kucinich afghanistan war powers presidential

Climategate debate Global warming vs Cooling

Global warming vs Cooling heads: 'Climategate' Crosstalk

As Climate Conference in Copenhagen is in its day 2, RT speaks to one of the climate skeptics - Craig Rucker - from the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow. We also caught up with Stephan Singer - a climate and energy expert. The men are deeply divided on global warming, but both agree that robust debate is very much needed.

Global warming warming conspiracy COP15 debate East Anglia skeptics Russian hackers climate change email Al Gore Copenhagen climate summit shock change global lies Climategate Climate fraud leaked emails

Monday, 7 December 2009

David Tice vs Keynesians on Bloomberg 04 Dec 2009

David Tice, chief portfolio strategist for bear markets at Federated Investors Inc., argues that the market still has a ways to fall and to pursue a "defensive" investment strategy.

david tice bloomberg ajay kapur prudent bear market bull stocks bonds investments economy economic meltdown crisis crash inflation fed federal reserve recession great depression defensive strategy ron paul peter schiff jim rogers gerald celente marc faber alex jones

Sunday, 6 December 2009

James Turk on the US economy and gold

Jim Puplava talks to James Turk about David Einhorn Greenlight Capital John Paulson Paul Tudor Jones II china gold bubble unemployment rate gold deficit debt
recorded on December 5th 2009

unemployment rate James Turk Gold US economy china gold bubble deficit debt David Einhorn Greenlight Capital John Paulson Paul Tudor Jones II marc faber jim rogers peter schiff bob chapman max keiser inflation bailout hyperinflation depression Dollar crash deflation fed federal reserve printing money bonds monetization quantitative easing


Here is some news for the peak oil crowd...

Listen to what this man has to say about the how they use tomography to find oil all over the world, particularly the USA in this clip.

Ever heard of HAARP?

Ionesphere manipulation is something that is hardly ever talked about...and when it people really understand the implications?

See the strange phenomenom about all these "natural" earthquakes all registering the same depth every time?


Haarp peak oil lies oil depletion Earthquakes 6.21 miles large quakes earthquake natural gas government lies

Saturday, 5 December 2009

CIA plot on synagogue intended to provoke Pakistan?

Four men have been accused of trying to bomb a synagogue. Are they just the latest victims of a broader plot by the CIA and the FBI?

CIA synagogue synagogue bombing FBI C4 explosives new york bronx webster tarpley priya sridhar rt russia today

Friday, 4 December 2009

Climate-Gate by We are Change SF East Bay

We Are Change San Francisco and We are Change East Bay Present The latest developments on the Climatic Research Unit hacked emails revealing that climate change via man made global warming is a massive fraud.
"1079 emails and 72 documents seem indeed evidence of a scandal involving most of the most prominent scientists pushing the man-made warming theory - a scandal that is one of the greatest in modern science"

Wal-Mart Police Taser Elderly Lady

Welcome to the taser democracy

BBC America do not believe Global Warming

The BBC investigates what the Americans think about the global warming and Obama's cap and trade plans the coal mining industry and the Copenhagen summit

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Switzerland minaret controversy

On Sunday, 57 per cent of the Swiss population voted in favour of blocking any new minarets being built attached to mosques. Does the vote reflect a rising tide against Islam across Europe? Is it a rare departure from Swiss neutrality? And is the vote even legal in the first place?

Al Jazeera Inside Story minaret ban Switzerland swiss Islam mosques Farhad Afshar Ian Traynor Oskar Freysinger Islamification

Michael Moore on Larry King Live about Obama Afghanistan War Dec 02 2009

Michael Moore Talks on Obama's Afghanistan Escalation on Larry King Live, December 2, 2009

"What are we doing in Afghanistan? This is absolutely insane ... 15 of the 19 hijackers, terrorists, killers, of 9/11 they were from Saudi Arabia. In fact there wasn't one Afghanistan citizen amongst them. We have been in this war for twice as long now as the U.S. was in World War II, twice as long as world war II. We defeated Hitler and Tojo and Mussolini in half the time it's taken us to find Osama bin Laden ..." Michael Moore

michael moore larry king barack obama afghanistan surge escalation west point september 11th 9/11 world war II military draft iraq

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Iraqi Shoe-throwing journalist suffers similar fate

The Iraqi journalist who made headlines after throwing a shoe at George Bush has been the target of a similar attack at a press conference in France.
shoe throwing iraq journalist george bush muntazer al-zaidi

Cop gets busted by Alien !!

alien ufo ovni orb phenomena greys reptilians dracos space spirit ghost laser beam new 2009

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

French troops bribing Taliban with weapons and money

The leader of the Taliban in Kabul has told Al Jazeera that French troops are trying to pay his men to stop attacking them.

Saif-Allah Jalili says he is also receiving Nato weapons that were supplied to groups who were meant to be fighting him.

David Chater reports.

french troops bribery taliban david chater aljazeera