Sunday, 27 December 2009

Charlie Sheen Arrested on Domestic Assault Charges

Actor Charlie Sheen is out on bond after being arrested in Aspen, Colorado, on charges related to an alleged case of domestic violence. (Dec. 26)

1 comment:

  1. you shit happens people, who would we be if we did not get a little upset from time to time. The problem here is that there has been far too many wife abuse cases in the past and now the police are conditioned to respond to each and every one as if it was matter of life and death. and far too many women use the system to justify their vendettas. We need to just let them sort it out themselves and let NORMAL people do what is NORMAL, so they had an argument and he was upset, is little red ridding hood crying out about the big bad wolf again? it's just another fairy tale in Hollywood. Let them sort it out on their own. Poperatzi kills people too you know! Bless Diana!
