Friday, 15 January 2010

Olbermann vs Limbaugh And Robertson on Haiti Comments

MSNBC is angry to say the least after Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh's comments on the Haiti Earthquake , the first blamed the earth quake on what he called a pact with the devil Haiti had , and the second blamed communism for the bad luck that is hitting Haiti


  1. I understand your outrage and I know how you feel. Don't sink to their level. Because you must know the torment and sadness they are living. To wish and say such terrible things about another of God's Children, they need our prayers as do the people of Haiti. I know you want to pray fire and brimstone down on their heads, don't let them win by making you as low as they are. It will be handled. GOD'S GOT YOUR BACK!!!

  2. As for Pres. Obama, yes, I agree, he is slow to address terrorism. He is not a strong commander in chief, he is a dove. But flying away does not work in the real world of the wicked.

  3. you go keith!! robertson and limbaugh are the most hateful son of a bitches i have ever seen and anyone who follows either of these clowns are destined to hell. theyw ant nothing more than to see the world fall aprt so they can get on there goddamned soap box and say i told you so. rush limbaugh go to hell i wish you had dropped dead your a scumbag and pat robertson you aint no man of god jesus christ would spit in your face for your words
