Economic Implosion: Can America Recover from Its Economic and Spiritual Challenges in Time?
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Monday, 22 October 2012
Survivalism : Trapping around livestock and pets
Trapping around livestock and pets leaves you with basically 2 options. Sit up all night with your rifle and wait for the predator Purchase Live Catch Traps so if a pet or livestock is caught it is not harmed. Do not use biddy (Chicken) wire. Use rat wire, and cover the roof of chicken coupe w/rat wire as well, then place a pole extending 2 ft out of the center, place a fox trap at the top of the pole. No more Owl problems. For wolves, foxes, etc. use a wooden block and in bead a razor blade in the center of it, then pour some animal blood around the blade. Cruel, Or you could build a dog kennel (couple hunting dogs inside) around your Chicken coups and let them handle the poachers directly.
Sunday, 21 October 2012
Jim Rogers ~ Capitalism is Dying in Most of the West
In this 26 minute interview, Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviews Jim Rogers about Capitalism and the state of Capitalism in the developed and Western world versus Capitalism in developing countries. Jim also talks about why politicians and governments love Keynesian Economics so much and why it's still the only economic theory taught at most universities globally. The world macroeconomic situation, the Japan/China conflict and other important topics are also discussed.
Survival Garden ~ This may save your life!
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
Gerald Celente In Encyclopedia Dramatica (Wikipedia Alternative)
Gerald Celente
Gerald Celente, internet pornographer and trends forecaster, is one of the stranger creatures to wash up on the shores of ED from that freak-ocean known as the internets. In fact, it has been argued that Celente actually predates the internets itself. Celente opened The Trends Research Institute -- an institution from which Celente projects his mental illness into the rest of the world -- in 1980. For internets users who cannot remember this primitive era in human history it is perhaps worth referring to it as pre-NES.Since the launch of the internets, however, Celente's brain-disease has spread far beyond the wackos and survivalists who used to fap to pre-internets magazine pessimism porn issued by the Trends Research Institute. Celente now pollutes Jewtube with his inane ramblings and unintentionally hilarious "schtick". And with this shift in the medium used, Celente's product has gone from softcore to hardcore.
The Trends Research Institute
The idea behind The Trends Research Institute was, like many inventions devised while in the throes of paranoid schizophrenia, to predict the future. Celente and his band of merry men would try to spot trends in global happenings. These "trends" would mainly be derived from reading newspapers, watching the mainstream news channels and listening to statements from politicians. However, Celente and the Trends Research Institute would then go on to ridicule newspapers, mainstream news channels and politicians.In short, Celente and the TRI invented Jewtube punditry before the dawn of the internets itself. While most people had to wait for the anonymity that the internet gave them to offload their embarrassing personal defects upon others, Celente was well ahead of the game. It should also be mentioned that Celente is a Jew, making all his statements instantaneously 15% more humiliating than they would otherwise be.

- Predict that everything bad that could happen will happen.
- Wait until something bad actually happens.
- ????
End of the World Coming on New Years Eve 2011
Nevertheless, like all lunatic cranks Celente can continue to claim that all those predictions which have not yet come true will eventually. While doing this Celente can continue to track "trends" that he thinks indicates a coming fascist dictatorship. Even though this is clearly fucking st00pid, it makes for great fodder for that giant cannon of lulz that is The Alex Jones Show.
Nevertheless, like all lunatic cranks Celente can continue to claim that all those predictions which have not yet come true will eventually. While doing this Celente can continue to track "trends" that he thinks indicates a coming fascist dictatorship. Even though this is clearly fucking st00pid, it makes for great fodder for that giant cannon of lulz that is The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother Surveillance Society is NOT there to "protect" you, but to protect the NWO Mafia, they know YOU gonna be -Mad as Hell- about their abuse of power !
Hijacked Governments Legalize Corporate Crimes & Criminalizing Real Solutions: Suppressed inventions & Alternative Cures, google "When Healing Becomes a Crime" & "Hemp Revolution"
"corporatism" = police enforcing more & more totally insane unconstitutional laws & regulations