Friday, 3 May 2013

Homelessness on the Rise in America

Three years ago President Barack Obama promised to end homelessness for children and families within a decade.

Since making that pledge, the number of families facing homelessness has been rising.

Now there are fears that federal budget cuts will make the problem even worse.


  1. need to tell the homeless to learn spanish n change their name they would make out better as a illegal alien

  2. Wages keep going down more and more as jobs keep leaving America more and more. Two jobs? What happens when it takes more hours than are in a week, to have an apartment? I don't buy what that lady said about that, either. It costs a lot to support a family.

  3. that's why I am single and never even gotten laid. don't need the trouble of having my own family (even by mistake). Make $80k a year (about $42k after taxes), very worried for my future, started stacking dough as a backup plan, got to be prepared for anything than can happen. Plenty of storable food and firearms if it hits the fan. All I want to to is just be left alone. I find people and families with kids struggling immensely all over the place, check comes in, check goes out. it's rough here. all of the rising food, fuel, necessities are going up, rent is going up, and the dollar is loosing value constantly thanks to the printing. it's rough. I feel for these people, when I have the extra dough I donate to causes for the poor, veterans, etc.
