Thursday, 2 May 2013

URGENT - China Have Invaded India ?

Did China Just Invade India ?

According to news reports in India Chinese troops have set up checkpoints 19 KM inside Indian borders with a banner that reads “You are in Chinese Territory”.
May 2, 2013

Hostility is rising between India and China over their disputed Himalayan border and shared water resources.  All of this comes just before Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is scheduled to visit New Delhi next month.

According to the Times of India:
China has reinforced its position in Daulat Bag Oldi (DBO) sector, 19km deep inside Indian territory, where they are getting regular supplies through trucks. According to reports sent to the Union home ministry, the Chinese side had adopted agressive posture during patrolling in the DBO sector, where they have picted five tents, and were refusing to end the face-off which has entered the third week.  Nearly 40 PLA personnel are stationed in five tents in the area which is 70km south of Burtse of DBO sector and a banner reads “You are in Chinese territory”.

1 comment:

  1. The headline should read-"HAS China Invaded India?" China is just ITCHING to invade SOMEONE!!! Bunch of HEATHENS!
