Thursday, 27 June 2013

Paul Craig Roberts Interview with Jason Liosatos

 Jason Liosatos interview with Paul Craig Roberts, a voice of integrity, and former head of policy at the Department of Treasury under Reagan, editor of The Wall Street Journal, and founder of Institute of Political Economy, and prolific author. We discuss the behaviour of government thugs in Washington and their hegemony, imposing its will worldwide for oil and resource grabs, and their goal in the Middle East of total chaos and conflict, and the lies about chemical weapons in Syria, like the illusory WMD’s in Iraq. We talk about the US and Western governments reliance on the splits between Sunnis and Shiites and other factions to perpetuate the chaos for them. Paul tells us the real reason why Iran is the big enemy of the West.
Paul and I talk about the accelerating revolution of consciousness and conscience, which is prompting more and more people to come forward and speak the truth, that truth being an enemy of corruption, lies and deceit. We talk about Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning, Glenn Greenwald, who are just a few of the people doing their duty to speak the truth, and how speaking the truth is becoming the greatest crime. We are becoming dangerously used to ethical compromises in government and the financial system. Government, money and power are a cocktail of disaster, and we are witnessing massive repercussions globally, the consequences and feedback loops from decisions made without vision or wisdom, which is a disaster for humanity. –

Listen to internet radio with JasonLiosatos on Blog Talk Radio

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