Sunday, 18 August 2013

Pattie Brassard ~ Planet X, is the Thriller, but Fukushima, is the Killer!

If you compare one threat with another, you can then choose between the two, but we have three to choose from
Aren't we lucky?
The biggest threat of all isn't Planet X, it's Fukushima
Listen carefully to what Pattie Brassard says
It makes sense and if you understand her, when she is talking about Fukushima and the radiation that is leaking out, you will understand what I mean when I say, Planet X is the Thriller, but Fukushima, is the Killer!

1 comment:

  1. Well unless it can be fixed then what is the point. It matters not if any of this is true for the only things that matter are those things we have control of everything else is fear mongering. We dont need it.
