Thursday, 31 January 2013

BREAKING ! Federal Court Indicts President Obama Will not see End of his Second Term!

BREAKING !Federal Court Indicts President Obama Will not see end of his second term! On January 25th, 2013 , Mr. Lyndon Larouche, a well respected journalist and political activist received word from his sources within the United States government that President Barack Hussein Obama has been indicted by a Federal Court. Details of the indictment has been omitted by Larouche but he characterized them as probably the greatest indictment he has ever seen placed upon a standing president throughout history.


  1. Scapegoat...dominoes...many are going to be now.

  2. THANK-YOU LORD!!! This man should NEVER have been elected the first time, let alone for a second term! Of course, the American people had NOTHING to do with him getting in the second time, at least. I am sooooooooooo HAPPY about this news, I can barely type this!!!

  3. His cabinet is jumping ship like rats on the Titanic... he's going down. He has to! The Lord says resist the devil and he will flee... he must be run out of office NOW!


  5. Yeah,yeah, let's hear the real evidence first, before we believe such vague & non specific assertions.

  6. I agree with Anonymous. Let's what the actual facts are before we start dancing in the streets. Don't hold your breath yet, keep breathing.

    1. Yep, Anonymous, it's not the time to be DANCING just yet. Let's HOPE and PRAY that truth will prevail. We don't want any single MAN to be able to rule above and beyond the authority vested in him by our government ... as this guy seems to think he can do, and get away with it. Let's follow this to see WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON! Agree or ??

  7. Will never happen

  8. Israel rules the us, Obama will stay in office

    1. If you believe that, you are a dumbass.

  9. He should be charged with treason.

    1. I agree. An impeachment movement should be started by all who agree that he should be gone!

    2. I agree, impeach to liar.

    3. I say once again this fraud and usurper barack hussein obama can not be impeached . This pice of garbage barack hussein obama is not a legal sitting US President and therefore can not be impeached . Impeachment is for legal sitting US President . This fraud and usurper barack hussein obama needs to be removed from office under Article ll Section 1 Clause 5 of the US Constitution .

  10. exactly what are the charges ??? without knowing what he is talking about he comes off whinning . amazing he can talk so long and say nothing

  11. Lyndon Larouche and all of these conspiracy theory individuals are destroying their own credibility! Gerald Celente has been wrong on numerous occasions and so has Lyndon these men need to change their approach! People are becoming less interested in what they have to say and this is not the time!

  12. Not jumping to any CONCLUSIONS, I believe this needs to be watched ... while "truth is forever on the scaffold" and "wrong forever on the throne," there always comes a time WHEN TRUTH WILL PREVAIL. God grant that this be the case for the U.S.A.

  13. Whether this is true or not, at least there is an American flag in the background.

  14. Mr. Larouche,
    I am amazed that anything actually has happened to save this country...but God Bless Lyndon Larouche for announcing this new
    development. We have been reading all of the outrageous acts
    under this president never thinking anything would ever be done
    about it....seeing that Bush got away scot-free. I thought that I was hearing things when Biden said he would personally
    bring charges of impeachment on Obama, etc. It didn't click that something serious was amiss. Well, at last..we do have a
    country after all and someone has gumption to bring charges to the Federal Court.
    God Bless America and God Speed Justice.

  15. Let him find better things to do with his time. Idle hands ----

  16. Believe it when I see it all over news and internet.

  17. Its about time!! Believe and it will be true.

  18. President Biden? God help us.

  19. WHAT charges, and what Federal Court?

    1. This is a hoax. Obama has not been indicted. I would like to see both him and Biden out but this story is not true. You should not engage in rumor but fact.

  20. you got to remember the people voted for him so what kind of people we have so they say people deserve who they vote for and they will back him till we get WW111 and still back him some more.
