Wednesday, 23 January 2013

The Money Institution Must Be Ended - Anonymous Voice Over

We need a stop-gap solution until governments reform, not business as usual. 1. Don't use money. Use up the money you have (building up your infrastructure) and then try to avoid using money. Grow food. Develop a gifts-based, favors-based economy, like the Russian "Blat" system in the 1990s. 2. Exchange durable commodities, such as dates or rice, which can store value. They aren't "bona fide money", but they can serve as units of exchange and ease the transition until money is brought to an end.

Both modern Economics and the existing institution of money are based on fraud and enforced by corrupt law. The fraud lies in the premise that money can store value which can only be true if money has intrinsic value. But the reality is that our money has zero intrinsic value. Money has only one bona fide function - the unit of account - whose purpose is to provide an accurate and reliable means of measuring and expressing the value of things which have value. Bona fide units of account cannot have any other function than measurement. Allowing the monetary unit of account to have value destroys its function as a unit of account which thereby becomes the modus operandi of the greatest racket of all time, where the racketeers are not criminals because their racket is backed and enforced by the laws of legal tender. The organization of this racket is now global.

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