Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Alex Jones Show: Tuesday (6-4-13) Full Show

The Alex Jones Show:(OVERDRIVE VIDEO Commercial Free) Tuesday, Jun 4 2013: Stonehenge

 Today 06/04/2013
Bilderberg imposes no-fly zone
On the June 4 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Infowars Nightly News anchor David Knight guest hosts the first hour of the powerful Tuesday broadcast breaking down Mark Dice's latest video demonstrating Californians disturbingly have no issues signing a petition supporting a "Holocaust beach party," a fictional Jewish celebration with "a lot of Holocaust reenactments" contrived by Dice himself. David also examines disturbing police state news out of Florida where an officer chased and mowed down a man using his patrol car. Alex Jones hosts the second half of today's show, discussing the Grove Hotel's paranoid over-reaction to Bilderberg protestors as they impose a terror lockdown and erect a ring of steel, all at taxpayer expense. Alex also goes deep into the Bilderberg group's 2013 agenda, providing key analysis of what they expect to bring about this time around

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