Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Bilderberg Exposed: Leaks, Whistleblowers, and Secrets

Over the years, a smattering of documents have been leaked, discovered or otherwise obtained giving glimpses into the meeting and its discussions.

Secretive and elite - the Bilderberg group, which unites some of the world's most powerful people, has been meeting behind closed doors for decades. NWO dates back to BEFORE the New World (the Americas) were discovered, Kings would war with other kingdoms because the TAX BASE (peasants and workers) would relocate where the work was and the payments to the king was less .When the people started moving to the NEW WORLD, the kings sent earls and barons (Banks and The Rich-Baron Von Rothchild, etc.) to start money-lending and barrister (lawyers) organizations so the european/asian kings could remain in control. This is an over-simplified, but simply accurate account of the beginnings of the Bilderburg Group.

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