Monday, 3 June 2013

Breaking news President Obama supported islamic syrian rebels Turkey finds Sarin Gas

3 June 2013 Breaking news President Obama supported islamic syrian rebels USA taxpayer $ Turkey finds Chemical Warefare SARIN GAS - Last days end times news update 6-3-13
Bible prophecy is moving quickly in the middle east - Syrian war could be leading to world war 3 you have the russian government and iranian government supporting President assad and you have usa government and western countries supporting islamic terrorist rebels fighting syrian military and israel protecting themselves alone.

Why isnt USA mainstream media reporting this???? The Obama administration is using USA taxpayer dollars to support terrorism WHY???

Last days end times news update 6-3-13

Turkey Finds Sarin Nerve Gas With Militant -- Terrorists

Turkish security forces found a 2kg cylinder with sarin gas after searching the homes of Syrian militants from the Al-Qaeda linked Al-Nusra Front who were previously detained, Turkish media reports. The gas was reportedly going to be used in a bomb.

The sarin gas was found in the homes of suspected Syrian Islamists detained in the southern provinces of Adana and Mersia following a search by Turkish police on Wednesday, reports say. The gas was allegedly going to be used to carry out an attack in the southern Turkish city of Adana.

1 comment:

  1. The idiotic John McCain should take another picture with them but this time they can all be holding canisters of nerve gas. Smile for the camera dumbass!
