Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Michael Savage : was Michael Hastings Car Remotely Hijacked ??

Michael Savage on Michael Hastings Death, Suspects Car Was Hacked Intentionally - 6/25/13

 Radio Commentary by Michael Savage Aired on June 25, 2013 - Modern cars can be hacked into and their brakes, accelerator, and other functions remotely controlled. Many believe this is what killed journalist Michael Hastings, who was going into hiding after writing about the NSA spying on Americans.

1 comment:

  1. Just for some information:
    The majority of the older vehicles like you spoke about sadly use parts that are eaten up by the ethanol that is now required in gasoline. The cars can be used and driven, but some of the parts have to be replaced more often, and most companies are actually not even making these replacement parts any longer or phasing them out.

    Looks like we are being herded into a pen that is closing in on us from every side.
