Monday, 3 June 2013

Prisoners in America becoming the prime source of cheap labor for the corporation , they earn 23 cents a hour to make high tech electronic components

Prisoners earn 23 cents a hour to make high tech electronic components, ETC
Those that are making huge profits out of private prisons should be in prisons because they are thieves.

Modern Monetary Theory will explain how we must create enough money to achieve 100% employment. The GW Bush Coup, were theTerrorist that over threw our US Constitutional Gov, and by not providing 100% Employment, automatically caused 60,000,000 people to not have jobs, accept under Slavery conditions in prisons. Unicore operates in 83 Federal Prisons made $900 million in 2012. shame on the deaf blind fooled fleeced gunless jobless homeless hopeless unchanged sheeple!
 They can't stop privatize prisons. There is just too much money to be made warehousing blacks and Hispanics. Don't you see how our economy depends on the cheap slave labor of minorities?? That is too much free labor generated and too much money to be made.

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