Sunday, 2 June 2013

Surviving the Coming Economic Collapse

The Coming Revolution And Economic Collapse

What is most depressing is that still, after all of this BS, most people still think Obama can do no wrong, Democrats are for the little guy, Republicans - well, who knows what the heck they stand for, real or perceived. Most people have no idea what the hell is going on and they don't give a $hit. They will cheer on these a$$holes in government and the Fed as long as there is football on TV, Jay-Z on the iPod, SNAP cards in the mail and free $hit from the gubbermint. Oh, and lest I forget the other end of the spectrum - all of those making their living off of government grants and programs for things like studying the effects of cow farts on climate change, IRS agents, Homeland security goons, etc. They are parasites too. A government regulatory or security job is where those that can't hack in the real world go to act out their superiority complexes.

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