Saturday, 1 June 2013

U.S. & Russia One Step Closer To War

U.S. & Russia One Step Closer To War

In an effort to up the ante in Syria and force the United States to intervene militarily, the British government on Wednesday sent a letter to United Nations boss Ban ki-moon alleging three new incidents of the al-Assad regime using chemical weapons against so-called rebels. The British and French have yet to provide conclusive evidence that the Syrian regime has in fact used chemicals weapons. Due to a lack of evidence, the Obama administration has balked on using military force in Syria. "Although there is little sign of the UN investigations team declaring chemical weapons have been used, western governments say that reporting of such incidents keeps up pressure on the Assad government and could deter it from large-scale use of chemical weapons," The Guardian reported on Wednesday. "There is increasingly strong evidence of localized use of chemical weapons," French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius claimed on Monday. "We are consulting with our partners to see what concrete consequences that we are going to draw from this."

1 comment:

  1. no chance think the s 300 are pre-emptive radars for Topol M, have a look at Russians parades s300 and s400 are always shown before the mobile nukes, is a signal a reason! to be launch against Israel the moment it attacks the Russians in Syria as well 250 millions Americans dead for certain and a destroyed planet so if you love dead keep the pressure on Russia, and have nukes all over the USA of america, there will none alive just a few millions. so if you love Israel so much go there but leave the Americas alone. don't die for Israel die for your own cause which is freedom.
