Thursday, 1 August 2013

Glenn Beck : We Are On The Verge Of Taking Over The Republican Party

August 1, 2013 - Glenn Beck encourages his Tea Party audience to remain active because they are on the verge of totally taking over the GOP.


  1. the problem with america is the republican party, twisting minds, corruption and even if there is a good and somewhat honest president the republicans will destroy it, as glenn beck says .. GOP is over.

  2. We have to marginalize "Melon Head" Carl Rove and his ridiculous white board; Sara Palin did just that (on the "Greta" Shoe) when she held up a white shopping bag with writing on it and called it the 'redneck version' of "Melon Heads" white Board. Rove, with his new PAC, manage to defeat Christine O'Donnell and Mia Love and others in the last election by massive funding of GOP automatons as well as maligning conservative candidates. ROVE HAS GOT TO GO ! The GOP is a sick, floundering dinosaur held up by alleged, self-proclaimed "king-makers" like "melon-head" Rove (the 'darling' of FOX news.
