Thursday, 1 August 2013

World Bank Whistelblower Karen Hudes Spills the Beans about the Banking corruption

INTERVIEW with Karen Hudes, Former Senior Counsel to the World Bank—now turned whistle-blower! During the interview Karen indicated that the world is rapidly changing, with western power structures breaking down, economic & political influence gravitating to BRICs nations, all amid a pending currency transition which will highly favor precious metals.Former World Bank attorney and whistleblower Karen Hudes talked about how she uncovered corruption in the World Bank. Karen Hudes who worked for 20 years in the World Bank's legal department. Ms. Hudes is a whistleblower involved with the laundry list of corruption that has begun to rear its head in The World Bank.

1 comment:

  1. whistleblower: New career, however as the story goes,secret elites controls the world bank,and have corrupted politicians and bankers worldwide cooperating on the scheme are their employers force. on this wizard world, nations end up borrowing this money for their own survival, austerity shatters all those that do not work for the secret elites and poverty reigns. they have being bankrupt by the IMF, who eventually works as a branch of the world bank, and the world bank itself has many branches, a sort of an tree. they are the ones that lends money to nations, that later end up bankrupt, however those that work for the secret elite do well.
    The NSA can help a lot the issue, as surveillance, can revel easily the fraudulent deals. On the other hand change partners, just a new elite if you like. nevertheless the real problem is evolution, primal materials, technology, how the world develop on the past 50 years or so. materials need the primal material to be, plastic has to come from something, oil, a rock, water, but it needs the base. industrial revolution is taking a turn, the south is north, as the north becomes the south. inverted poles if you like.
