Monday, 22 December 2014

John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hitman, about ‘peak bankster

John Perkins, author of Confessions of an Economic Hitman, about ‘peak bankster

In this shocking memoir, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, John Perkins tells of his own inner journey from willing servant of empire to impassioned advocate for the rights of oppressed people. Covertly recruited by the United States National Security Agency and on the payroll of an international consulting firm, he traveled the world—to Indonesia, Panama, Ecuador, Colombia, Saudi Arabia, Iran and other strategically important countries. His job was to implement policies that promoted the interests of the U.S. corporatocracy (a coalition of government, banks, and corporations) while professing to alleviate poverty—policies that alienated many nations and ultimately led to September 11 and growing anti-Americanism. Within a few weeks of its release , Confessions of an Economic Hit Man landed onThe New York Times Bestseller List, then 19 other bestseller lists including the Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post. The author has been interviewed repeatedly on national radio and television shows, including Amy Goodman's Democracy Now, CSPAN's Book TV, and PBS' Now with David Brancaccio. And now the book is being published in 9 languages around the world. According to John Perkins, "It is accomplishing an important objective in inspiring people to think and talk and to know that we can change the world."

3 Easy Ways To Avoid Obamacare reporter Rob Dew gives three easy solutions to avoid Obamacare and the upcoming 2015 fees which could run a family of four nearly $1,000.00. "Health Sharing" is gaining popularity, and by taking your money out of the insurance scam system you can take away its power!

Thursday, 18 December 2014

U.S. Dollar on its way to collapse!

Now with this, Russia may declare war on Ukraine for refusing to pay back their debt, although they most likely will let them know in advance, giving them notice, or they may just pull a Blitzkrieg, and just legally invade, and claim all of Ukraine for payment. This may fall under International law, when a country fails to pay back another country. who knows? Here is a paragraph from Wikipedia: "Since a sovereign government, by definition, controls its own affairs, it cannot be obliged to pay back its debt.[2] Nonetheless, governments may face severe pressure from lending countries. In the most extreme cases, a creditor nation may declare war on a debtor nation for failing to pay back debt, in order to enforce creditor's rights. For example, Britain routinely invaded countries that failed to repay foreign debts, invading Egypt in 1882.[citation needed] Other examples include the United States' "gunboat diplomacy" in Venezuela in the mid-1890s and the United States occupation of Haiti beginning in 1915.[3] A government which defaults may also be excluded from further credit and some of its overseas assets may be seized;[3] and it may face"

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

World War 3 is coming? The Real Story Behind Oil Prices - Paul Craig Roberts

this is very very good info ,paul c roberts is really spot on as always seems the only one keeping his head cool is putin and i say out loud ,he is to safe our world by avoiding war at almost all cost

Saturday, 13 December 2014

U.S. Government - Department Of Treasury / U.S. Mint - The Money Story

Top Documentary Films: How Money Is Made - US Mint Documentary Paper money has been printed and used in the US since before the establishment of the United S. Debra Wilson Tells The Story of Money Produced By The U.S. Department Of Treasury, it's Mint as well as The Bureau of Engraving and Printing. All our videos for just education. Subscribe our channel and facebook page to watch our new uploads: Thanks All abou. Discovery Channel Secrets of the U.S Mint The oldest and largest branch of the U.S. Mint, in Philadelphia, is observed. Featured: the process of developing

Why Did The Treasury Department Just Purchase Thousands of Survival Kits For Bank Examiners?

In recent years the U.S. government has been making massive preparations. They've been stockpiling food, riot gear, automatic weapons and billions of rounds of ammunition. While no one in.

Friday, 12 December 2014

Dollar Collapse Warning Global Economic Crisis Financial Meltdown 2014

“When creditors ultimately decide to curtail loans to America, U.S. interest rates will finally spike, and we will be confronted with even more difficult choices than those now facing Greece. Given the short maturity of our national debt, a jump in short-term rates would either result in default or massive austerity. If we choose neither, and opt to print money instead, the run-a-way inflation that will ensue will produce an even greater austerity than the one our leaders lacked the courage to impose. Those who believe rates will never rise as long as the Fed remains accommodative, or that inflation will not flare up as long as unemployment remains high, are just as foolish as those who assured us that the mortgage market was sound because national real estate prices could never fall.”

Dollar Collapse Warning Global Economic Crisis!

HE PREDICTED the tech bubble bursting in 2000. He predicted the 2007 GFC. And now he’s predicting a global financial collapse in 2016 that he says will make GFC look like a teddy bear’s picnic. American author and entrepreneur Robert Kiyosaki made his name over a decade ago as the writer of Rich Dad, Poor Dad — a personal finance bestseller. This week, he’s in Australia for the Masters of Wealth seminars, dispensing money advice on how to survive the next collapse. Mr Kiyosaki told the forthcoming economic apocalypse will be driven by what he believes is the US’ biggest problem — that it’s “printing” too much money. “My concern has always been when you print money, two people get hurt — the middle class and the poor,” he said. Mr Kiyosaki’s argument is that because the US is “printing” too much money, the world’s biggest economy will enter into hyperinflation, where the value of a dollar is considerably less than it used to be. If the US collapses under hyperinflation, then the rest of world’s economies would tumble down with it as most currencies are pegged against the US dollar rather than gold. He said that America will become the next Zimbabwe.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

How to Avoid Paying Taxes

"Persons" Are not meant to pay taxes. Businesses and corporations are. But they have turned "Persons" into corporations. And now Corporations are legally Persons! It’s all back  Asswards! Lawyers are Scumbags and this country has produced over 750000 lawyers since 2003.

Monday, 8 December 2014

Jim Rickards & Peter Schiff - Gold market, Global Economy Forecast for 2015

Jim Rickards is Chief Global Strategist at the West Shore Funds, and Director of The James Rickards Project, an inquiry into the complex dynamics of geopolitics + global capital. In The Death of Money, Rickards shows why another monetary system collapse is rapidly approaching – and why this time, nothing less than the institution of money itself is at risk. Fortunately, it's not too late to prepare for the coming death of money. Rickards explains the power of converting unreliable money into real wealth, such as gold and other long-term stores of value.

Saturday, 6 December 2014

WW3 - Hillary Clinton Will Lead Us To World War 3 - Paul Craig Roberts

David Knight and Paul Joseph Watson talk with economist Paul Craig Roberts about what to expect in the future if Hillary is elected in 2016.

It almost seems that we are all children waiting to see what our alcoholic parents are going to do. The escalation of hatred between America and Russia is going crazy. I feel I am sitting here with all my countrymen and women and waiting for our out of control gov. to make a decision that me and all my fellow Americans are opposed to. I want more than anything to believe what I'm told and stand up for it, but I know it is all a lie.
when people say. "Hillary will be president and take America to war with Russia" It's as though it is is being accepted as inevitable and nothing or nobody can stop it. I know it seems that Americans are so dumned down that this will be so, but surely, there must be a limit to this ridiculous situation.

Friday, 5 December 2014

Peter Schiff - Swiss Franc No Longer a Safe Haven and a Possible Bottom in Gold

Peter Schiff - Swiss Franc No Longer a Safe Haven and a Possible Bottom in Gold

Peter responds to the results of the "Save Our Swiss Gold" initiative this past weekend. He explains why he thinks it is bullish for gold and might have even marked the metal's bottom.

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0:17 – “Save Our Swiss Franc” would have been a more accurate description of the Swiss gold initiative.

0:59 – Switzerland used to have more than 40% of its reserves in gold and was very prosperous.

1:47 – The Swiss gold initiative was a threat to the powers-that-be, because it limited the ability of the Swiss National Bank (SNB) to create inflation

2:35 – If the initiative had passed, Switzerland would have been an example of a strong economy in a sea of European inflation.

3:34 – How is it crazy to have only 20% of your assets in gold, but sensible to have 100% of your assets in fiat currencies?

4:30 – The Swiss originally didn’t want to adopt the euro, but now they’ve embraced a de facto euro standard.

5:30 – Gold and silver dropped dramatically after the vote, which was surprising since no one had really expected the initiative to pass.

6:23 – Gold and silver recovered their losses quickly once the United States started trading.

7:10 – Peter believes the “no” vote is more bullish for the long-term price of gold.

7:43 – If the Swiss had adopted the referendum, it would have slowed down Swiss money printing and Swiss inflation.

8:28 – When the world realizes the United States is going to return to quantitative easing, the Swiss franc will no longer be a safe-haven option. This would mean greater demand for gold.

9:36 – If the SNB won’t be buying gold on behalf of its people, the Swiss will buy gold individually to protect their purchasing power.

10:49 – Looking at historical actions of central banks, there’s a chance that gold’s low price on Sunday could end up being gold’s bottom.

11:55 – SchiffGold has a limited-time special on 1-ounce silver bars for 79¢ over spot.

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Has OPEC Begun QE4? Global Stimulus Package to Save COLLAPSING Economy!

As the Fed ended QE3, Japan stepped up their money printing to fill in the void. Now we have OPEC stepping in and performing what Marketwatch is calling QE4. The global economy is sinking in deflation and in fact inflating in other categories. This disconnect is causing a chasm in between those with wealth and those without.

Are you part of the elite? If not, it's time to look deeper into this.

Welcome to the new era of QE4.
As if on cue, OPEC stepped in just as monetary policy (at least the Fed’s) has dried up.
Italy is stuck in a rut of diminishing expectations. Numbed by years of wage freezes, and skeptical the government can improve their economic fortunes
Almost three-quarters of new jobs in Italy temporary
Cash-strapped Cuba says toilet paper running short

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Ron Paul: Who Wants to be Defense Secretary?

Who Wants to be Defense Secretary?
by Ron Paul

It seems nobody wants to be Secretary of Defense in the Obama administration. The president’s first two Defense Secretaries, Robert Gates and Leon Panetta, both complained bitterly this month about their time in the administration. The president’s National Security Council staff micro-managed the Pentagon, they said at a forum last week.

Former Secretary Gates revealed that while he was running the Defense Department, the White House established a line of communication to the Joint Special Operations Command to discuss matters of strategy and tactics, cutting the Defense Secretary out of the loop. His successor at the Pentagon, Leon Panetta, made similar complaints.

Last week President Obama’s third Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, was forced out of office after complaining in October that the administration had no coherent policy toward Syria. He did have a point: while claiming recent US bombing in Syria is designed to degrade and destroy ISIS, many in the administration continue pushing for “regime change” against Syrian president Assad – who is also fighting ISIS. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin Dempsey, has spoken out in favor of further US escalation in Syria and Iraq despite President Obama’s promise of “no combat troops” back to the region.

Shortly after Chuck Hagel’s ouster, the media reported that the president favored Michelle Flournoy to replace him. She would have been the first female defense secretary, but more tellingly she would come to the position from a think tank almost entirely funded by the military industrial complex. The Center for a New American Security, which she founded in 2007, is the flagship of the neocon wing of the Democratic Party. The Center has argued against US troops ever leaving Iraq and has endorsed the Bush administration’s doctrine of preventative warfare. The Center is perhaps best known for pushing the failed counterinsurgency (COIN) doctrine in Iraq and Afghanistan. The COIN doctrine was said at the time to have been the key to the US victory in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now that the US is back in Iraq and will continue combat operations in Afghanistan next year, you don’t hear too much about COIN and victories.

Flournoy turned down Obama before she was even asked, however. She is said to be waiting for a Hillary Clinton presidency, where her militarism may be even more appreciated. With the next Senate to be led by neocons like John McCain, a Hillary Clinton presidency would find little resistance to a more militaristic foreign policy.

So President Obama cannot keep defense secretaries on the job and his top Pentagon pick is not interested in serving the last stretch of a lame duck administration. There is bickering and fighting within the administration about who should be running the latest US wars in the Middle East and elsewhere.

Here is one thing none of them are fighting about: the US policy of global intervention. All sides agree that the US needs to expand its war in the Middle East, that the US must continue to provoke Russia via Ukraine, and that regime change operations must continue worldwide. There is no real foreign policy debate in Washington. But the real national security crisis will come when their militarism finally cripples our economy and places us at the mercy of the rest of the world.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Martial Law in USA! - Army Admits Plan To Execute Americans En Masse

Special Report reveals the US military's plans to subdue and kill Americans in civil disobedience protests.It reveals the documentation that proves how the protests in Ferguson MI, are just the start of martial law tactics in America.

Are these "policeman" and "US army personnel" actually real people? Or had new world order managed to remove brains from their sculls completely, so they are prepared to follow any order? Don’t they have family that will be also executed in same manner as they are preparing to do to some other pore souls?

Monday, 1 December 2014

How to Survive the next Economic Collapse - Prepare!

The monetary system as we know it will fail as it does with all fiat currency throughout history or until they have real money, gold etc to back it up. People will simply adapt a new system and create a free market with things of value and also bartering. Those that wish to steal will be dealt with swiftly and those who refuse to arm themselves will be dealt with by the thieves. It is all too simple however our military may have to do what they were meant to do which is guard our borders and any government will need to do what they were supposed to have been doing which is preserving and protecting our Rights. Government and military are the two things which we cannot rely on as they have given themselves far too much power. Police agencies shall not be trusted in any instance. Government workers will represent the majority of the unemployed at that point and can be easily spotted by very large rear ends that we have paid them to develop. Their smug take-a-number attitudes will vaporize quickly.