Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Clif High ~ The 6 Billion Kill Shot

Disaster will always happen, earthquake, flood, solar activity and so on. But it's never gonna be on a global scale meaning the world would be doom, so worrying about it all the time would make alot of people miserable. Just live day to day and enjoy every minutes of it, no need for guns and underground will not protect you anyway for what is about to happen is not completely understood by everybody and never will be for some, thus the shield for it is spiritual. The door is open.


  1. Of course Cliff has yet to be right about anything, The guy is interesting but has a horrible track record. never right about a single thing. The whole webbot thing he has needs to be scrapped and rebuilt ground up.

  2. bunch of bullshit

  3. ye he gets lucky sometimes

  4. ye i predict an earthquake tomorrow check it out online

  5. its easy to predict these things they been going on for millions of years

  6. I agree. This program and it's creator/interpreter couldn't be more of a doom sayer, fear feeding JOKE! Why do you still try this clif. Use your web bot and predict something useful, like your own demise.
