Tuesday, 26 February 2013

John Kerry Says Americans have a right to be Stupid

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry offered a defence of freedom of speech, religion and thought in the United States on Tuesday telling German students that in America "you have a right to be stupid if you want to be."

"As a country, as a society, we live and breathe the idea of religious freedom and religious tolerance, whatever the religion, and political freedom and political tolerance, whatever the point of view," Kerry told the students in Berlin, the second stop on his inaugural trip as secretary of state.


  1. Of course we stupid poeple have a right to be stupid! How do you think all those stupid people got elected? Stupid voters!
    To be fair, some are not stupid and many Amricans are getting very smart, too. We can learn, its our right to do that also. Linda Joy Adams

  2. Kerry, anyone who voted for you, I would consider STUPID!!! At least MOST of the ones I know weren't STUPID enough to vote for Obama, at least not twice! You want to speak with someone STUPID and out of touch, talk to your local Congressman.

  3. And of course John Forbes Kerry is exercising his right to be stupid.

  4. Anyone who believes a politician is stupid.
