Thursday, 21 February 2013

Nigel Farage Has Cannon Balls Compilation

UK Independence Party (UKIP) Leader Nigel Farage in a series of stunning verbal attacks on presidents & prime ministers of European nations within the EU parliament I'm happy to see Europe has his own ''Ron Paul'' named Nigel Farage! My message to the Europeans: Take down that ugly technocratic system once and for all! You are in the same position as us, the greedy bankers got their claws on our countries! Get rid of the European central banking system just like we're preparing to get rid of the federal reserve!

Slowly but surely, the EU has become the EUSSR. It also looks like it will go the same way ! The worst is, you see hundreds of seats empty. Where are these Politicians ? Clearly not at work ! This "European Union" is the biggest fraud the world has ever seen ! The Euro State is exactly the same as a Communist state..... Its a disgusting sham named in democracy , Soviet invasion of Europe by stealth. No bullets, no tanks, no planes bombing cities, just bribes and threats.The last thing we want is another USSEU some social dependency concept where the lazy no good for nothing of the world get fed for doing nothing. Well At least in USSR people did work and work Hard. USSEU is trying to create a state where 50% get free hand outs while the other 50% work to provide it. Free cars, free mobility, free family credit, free this free that have 10 children and get free house or free Mansion,

1 comment:

  1. Nick Farage you are a champion, it takes guts to stand up and give it to the "bankster" controlled EU.You have pointed out how corrupt this union is and still it continues. Must have some clout or there are a lot of backhanders going on which is probably right as the bankers have planted their scum in positions of power
