Saturday, 23 February 2013

Stefan Molyneux ~ Anarchy Means "Without Rulers" - Not "Without Rules"!

The literal meaning of "Anarchism" (from it's Greek origins) is "contrary to authority." Anarchism means no submission to authority, laws, or government of any kind. No Anarchist society has ever existed successfully, because it can't. Human beings have not evolved to a point where NO "enforcement of rules" is needed and it is doubtful we ever will. Sameness is not in our genes, diversity is. Period. Minarchism is the only rational way forward: Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness, + Rule of Law.

The Freedomain Radio Sunday Philosophy Call in Show, February 17th, 2013

0:00 Dr. Warren Farrell Co-Hosting Next Week!
1:30 Anarchy and Religiosity
21:40 Selling Freedom to Liberals
1:01:20 Anarchism and Business Ethics
1:14:00 Documentary/Tokyo Update!
1:57:10 Rousseau, Childhood and Intellectual Hypocrisy

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