Wednesday, 31 July 2013


When it comes to banking, bigger isn't always better. While the EU is struggling to beef up its ailing financial institutions, Europe's smallest banks have been doing pretty well - some run by just one member of staff. RT's Peter Oliver traveled to a small German village to meet one such banker.

The True Purpose of Banking ~ Controlling the Debt

Life imitates art. Sometimes in great irony, people can watch fiction without realizing the fiction is referencing fact. an excerpt from the international presents "the true purpose of banking". The reason bankers have willingly funded every single major global war in history is to control nations through debt.

Rand Paul : I Say To ALL Americans Enough is ENOUGH! We're NOT Gonna Take It Anymore!

We can neither feed the poor, house the homeless nor save American homes in foreclosure, but we sure as hell can fund endless wars. Put both the house and the senate in prison for the crime of unAmerican activities and willful aiding our enemies.

Harry Dent : America Going over a Demographic Cliff ~ Power Trading Radio with John O'Donnell Jul 30, 2013

Harry S. Dent is a world renowned economist who studies demographic and historic trends to see major events unfolding long before the mainstream media's even has them on their radar. He accurately predicted the 1990-92 recession, foresaw the biggest Bull Market run in US history as well as Japan's Lost Decade and, most recently, sounded the early warnings about the 2008 financial crash.

Harry Dent of HS Dent Investment Management explains why he predicts a market crash in the third quarter of the year and that the U.S. is headed towards bankruptcy. Stock Market.. an aging Bull Market? Real Estate Party Over? Invest In Gold? Europe Crash Impact? The Government Has To Fail... Survive and Prosper in 2013 with Harry Dent.
Harry Dent
Harry S Dent is a financial newsletter writer and author , who is also the founder of HS Dent Investment Management, an investment firm based in Tampa, Florida. Mr. Dent's latest book is The Great Crash Ahead. Other books include The Great Depression Ahead and The Next Great Bubble Boom.

MICHAEL DROSNIN ~ Bible Codes & Prophetic Messsages

Former reporter for the Wall Street Journal, Michael Drosnin spoke about the Bible Code, and the various prophetic messages that have been gleaned from it. Based on a computer software program developed by the Israeli mathematician, Prof. Eliyahu Rips, the Bible Code finds hidden messages or phrases in equidistant letter sequences in the Hebrew language version of the first five books of the Bible. What convinced Drosnin of its reality was the correct prediction of Yitzhak Rabin's assassination, which he discovered about a year before it happened. He recounted how he tried to warn Rabin beforehand, and now meets with various intelligence agencies such as the Mossad.

A year before the 2008 election, Drosnin said he found the phrase "B. Obama is President" in the Bible Code, and also learned that there was danger that could be prevented for Obama. He related this information to Oprah Winfrey, who was said to pass this on to Obama. Drosnin also said that according to the Bible Code, it was Barack Obama's destiny to help prevent a nuclear terrorist attack, and that he will be re-elected in 2012.

After the 9-11 attacks, Drosnin said he found references to it in the Bible Code, with such phrases as "twin towers," "airplane," "terror attack," and "it knocked down," all encoded within a few verses. Currently, he is searching for a "code key," which might help unravel some of the mysteries of the Bible Code, such as who created it. According to the Bible Code, the code key is connected to an obelisk in Jordan, he revealed.


Michael Drosnin is a former reporter for the Washington Post and Wall Street Journal. He is the author of three New York Times bestsellers which include Citizen Hughes, The Bible Code, and Bible Code II: The Countdown. His book, Citizen Hughes is based on exclusive access to nearly everything that Hughes ever put in writing. In fact, the book is half in his own words. So, it's really Howard telling his own story of the hidden years, the secret life of the world's richest and most secretive man, from the only reliable source, Hughes himself. It's also the only Hughes book that was a bestseller, in fact outsold all the other 20 Hughes books combined. Michael currently lives and works in New York City.

The Bible code (Hebrew: צפנים בתנ"ך), also known as the Torah code, is a purported set of secret messages encoded within the Hebrew text of the Torah. This hidden code has been described as a method by which specific letters from the text can be selected to reveal an otherwise obscured message. Though Bible codes have been postulated and studied for centuries, the subject has been popularized in modern times by Michael Drosnin's book The Bible Code.

Many examples have been documented in the past. One cited example is that by taking every 50th letter of the Book of Genesis starting with the first taw, the Hebrew word "torah" is spelled out. The same happens in the Book of Exodus. Modern computers have been used to search for similar patterns and more complex variants, and published in a peer-reviewed academic journal in 1994. Proponents hold that it is exceedingly unlikely such sequences could arise by chance, while skeptics and opponents hold that such sequences do often arise by chance, as demonstrated on other Hebrew and English texts.

Other types of Bible codes

Another example of an alleged prediction coded in the text of the Bible, which is also attributed to Rabbi Chaim Michael Dov Weissmandl (who was mentioned above), concerns the hanging of 10 Nazi leaders on October 16, 1946 following the Nuremberg Trials. Rabbi Weissmandl claimed that this event was predicted by the Biblical story about the hanging of the 10 sons of Haman, also as a final consequence of a (failed) genocidal plan against the Jews. The "coded" aspect of his speculation is that in the Masoretic text of the Bible, three letters within the list of Haman's sons are marked as small letters:[60] the tav ת of Parshandatha, the shin ש of Parmashtha and the zayin ז of Vajezatha. Rabbi Weissmandl pointed out that if you combine the three small letters together they form the word תשז, which in the accepted Hebrew notation for year numbers (using Gematria) corresponds to the Jewish year 707 Anno Mundi, which is the Jewish year that the 10 Nazi leaders were executed (October 16, 1946 corresponds to Tishrei 21, 5707, the day known as Hoshanna Rabba, the day of severe judgments for the nations of the world, according to the Jewish calendar). Many people criticize various aspects of this speculation. They point out that there are several different traditions about what are the small letters in the names of Haman's sons.

Was the Titanic deliberately sunk by JP Morgan?

Was the Titanic deliberately sunk by JP Morgan?

Everything could be and might be involved in a cover up on big projects of this size.I would never rule anything out in those days.Just look at today in shipping and road and aircrafts, same applies to this never mind ships.Anything to cut corners and safety it was worse in the early days of shipping even right up to now.Insurance scams sinking of ships changing names of ships and color you name it has been done.So titanic no exception to the rule.

Down The Rabbit Hole : Whistleblower Julia Davis Exposes DHS Abuse of Power

Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye (05-15-2013) Whistleblower Julia Davis Exposes DHS Abuse of Power

 Julia Davis, a national security whistleblower who was falsely declared a "Domestic Terrorist" and subjected to retaliation of unprecedented proportions by the Department of Homeland Security.The DHS failed to act on her reports but instead of correcting the shortcomings exposed by Julia's report, they opened investigations against her. Her husband BJ, is a film producer who documented these events with a camera

House passes Student Loan Deal

House Approves Lower Rates on Student Loans : A bill that would lower the cost of student loans has passed the House and is heading to President Barack Obama for his signature. Undergraduates this fall would borrow at a 3.9 percent interest rate for subsidized and unsubsidized loans. (July 31)

Murphy Chemtrails Agenda & Weather Control

Murphy Chemtrails Agenda & Effects 12 -2011 - Murphy Chemtrails & Weather Control 12 -2011

Journalist, filmmaker and political activist Michael Murphy discussed the agendas behind chemtrails (a type of 'geo-engineering' method). Chemtrails which differ from regular contrails, are sprayed from airplanes, and dissipate into what looks like cirrus cloud cover, which actually blocks the sun, he explained. Geo-engineering models suggest chemtrails can be used for weather modification. For instance, putting aluminum oxide particles into the atmosphere will have a desirable cooling effect, but in the long term the aerosols act as a blanket, and will lead to warming by trapping the heat in, he cautioned. There has been secrecy regarding the full scale deployment of this technology because it causes toxic environmental effects, and is detrimental to human health

Rain tests have shown there are toxic levels of aluminum, barium, and strontium that were not there before chemtrails came into usage, he reported, adding that these substances are associated with respiratory illness, high blood pressure, and possibly even cancer. Murphy postulated that corporations are clandestinely using chemtrails to manipulate natural systems including weather and soil, in order to foster marketing opportunities for goods and services tailored to the new environmental conditions being created. For example, there are GMO seeds that are sold as drought and aluminum resistant,

Michael Murphy is a journalist, filmmaker and political activist from the Los Angeles area whose work focuses on issues that go beyond the interest of the corporate mainstream media. Michael's work includes co-producing the documentary "What in the World are They Spraying?"and several other short films that address controversial political issues.

Federal Court approves Warrantless Tracking of Cell Phones

No evidence of abuse of these programs but is open for abuse at anytime , Legalizing their illegal activities. Making up laws against the constitution.liberals love it

On Tuesday, the Fifth Court Circuit of Appeals ruled that law enforcement does not need a warrant to obtain your cell phone location information. Cell phone towers are able to track a mobile user's device and prior to this ruling the information was only accessible with a warrant through the telecommunication companies. Brian Duggan, technologist for Open Technology Institute, weighs in on the new ruling and XKeyscore

Terror War Profiteer Insist NSA Spying On EVERY U.S. Phone Call Doesn't Violate YOUR RIGHTS

On Tuesday, the Fifth Court Circuit of Appeals ruled that law enforcement does not need a warrant to obtain your cell phone location information. Cell phone towers are able to track a mobile user's device and prior to this ruling the information was only accessible with a warrant through the telecommunication companies.

Big Brother ~ Federal Rules It LEGAL For Government To Track You Using Your Cell Phone WITHOUT A Warrant!

Federal Rules It LEGAL For Government To Track You Using Your Cell Phone WITHOUT A Warrant!

The mail is monitored just like this. And the person you are calling is most likely is on a cell phone. So NO you do not have an option. You have NO rights. You belong to the Government now. Unless you drop your cell phone in a lake and cancel your contract ,the phone company will get the hint when they lose enough money .

WW3 ~ North Korea Suicide Bomber Corps with Nuclear Backpacks Show up in Parade

North Korea's Suicide Bomber Corps with Nuclear Backpacks Show up in Parade

A suitcase nuke or suitcase bomb is a very compact and portable nuclear weapon and could have the dimensions of 60 x 40 x 20 centimeters or 24 x 16 x 8 inches. The smallest possible bomb-like object would be a single critical mass of plutonium (or U-233) at maximum density under normal conditions. The Pu-239 weighs 10.5 kg and is 10.1 cm across. It doesn’t take much more than a single critical mass to cause significant explosions ranging from 10-20 tons. These types of weapons can also be as big as two footlockers. The warhead of a suitcase nuke or suitcase bomb consists of a tube with two pieces of uranium, which, when rammed together, would cause a blast. Some sort of firing unit and a device that would need to be decoded to cause detonation may be included in the “suitcase.” Another portable weapon is a “backpack” bomb. The Soviet nuclear backpack system was made in the 1960s for use against NATO targets in time of war and consists of three “coffee can-sized” aluminum canisters in a bag. All three must be connected to make a single unit in order to explode. The detonator is about 6 inches long. It has a 3-to-5 kiloton yield, depending on the efficiency of the explosion. It’s kept powered during storage by a battery line connected to the canisters.

Synchronicity vs. Conspiracy & The Dark Side of Sync ~ Alan Abbadessa

Red Ice Radio - Alan, William & Douglas  - Sync vs. Conspiracy & The Dark Side of Sync

In 2011, author and researcher Alan Abbadessa-Green published The Sync Book, a collection of 26 essays on synchronicity. This led to the creation of Sync Book Press and the publication of three additional books: The Sync Book Vol.2 (with 26 new contributors), Accidental Initiations by Andras Jones and Winter's Labyrinth by Douglas Bolles, a writer living in Boise, ID. Douglas contributed to the first volume of The Sync Book and then helped dream up Sync Book Press in a cabin in the Cascades. Douglas is also the co-host and co-creator of the Sync Book Radio podcast 42 Minutes, which is a weekly conversation about meaning with the interesting artists and thinkers of our day. William Klaus, a Catholic Transformer, also contributes to The Sync Book Vol 2. He blogs, he bloviates, he bartends. He is a post-Jerry Deadhead, a witness to the genius of Phish and is able to read and enjoy Finnegans Wake. In the first hour, the three will discuss the sync vs. conspiracy dichotomy. We talk about how sync allows one to put together a unique view of the universe. Also, we converse on how sync plays a role in pop-culture. In the second hour, we'll dive into the dark side of sync and how some struggle with it.

The Alex Jones Show : Steve Jolly - Wednesday, July 31, 2013 (Full Show)

Wednesday: The Alex Jones Show. FBI Rescues Foster Children From Sex Slavery and Returns Them To Foster Care Fore More. Operation Paul Revere First Place Winner Announced!
On this Wednesday, July 31 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex welcomes back UK activist and CCTV cameraman Steve Jolly to discuss his ambivalence towards the surveillance state and his experience addressing the UK Parliament where he scrutinized the Protection of Freedoms Bill. Alex brings in Infowars reporter Lee Ann McAdoo to uncover the government's involvement in international sex trafficking. He will also discuss the rising corruption inside government agencies such as TSA following anew government report that states TSA's misconduct has increased by 26% in the last three years. Alex will confirm his affirmations about Obama's distaste for small businesses after the President admitted in a speech yesterday that he believes the top tax rate should be 28% for corporations and a whopping 40% for small businesses. Today Alex talks about the U.S. Director of National Intelligence releasing three new declassified documents exposing the depth of the NSA spy scandal. Finally, Alex will announce the first place winner of the film contest.

Ireland Household Debt a Severe Issue

Lourda Sexton takes an in-depth look into Ireland's economy and why 4 out of 5 Irish people are unable to pay off their housing bills.
All of these economic worries that many countries of the world are experiencing are caused by the banks and the "banksters"! end the central banks!

Ireland is considering a controversial new scheme to sell off parts of its forests, as a part of efforts to meet demands from the International Monetary Fund to reduce its debts. Ireland is not the only eurozone member to try to sell off its environment to make some money. Greece has put some of its islands up for sale. But the move would make Ireland the only country in the developed world without a publicly owned forest. Al Jazeera's Laurence Lee reports from Wicklow, Ireland.

ALERT : Planet X Nibiru to pass Earth by August 2013

Planet Nibiru to pass Earth by August 2013
With Niburu fast approaching and bumping asteroids from the Kruiper belt towards Earth ahead of its approach... its is only a matter of time before the Planet Itself passes Earth and causes global devastation and changing of the Earth's rotation with the Sun rising from the West. That is predicted in Islamic Tradition. No wonder its the truth. Just being honest.

Bankrupt Wall Street with Glass-Steagall

July 30, 2013 - LaRouchePAC Policy Committee statement declaring intent their to bankrupt Wall Street.

The Renaissance the nation needs and to expel the current order of doom and all the devils pulling the strings of despotism. I truly do feel your work will bring about the positive changes we need, and the edifice of the New World Order will crack even further until it crumbles under the weight of its own disease. The American People are already discovering that their government is not the executive entity in their country; this has been intimidating enough; what they are about to discover is global government has existed for time immemorial and that the leaders of this global government are not human! Homo sapiens are not the dominate species on this planet in any way other than sheer numbers. The ET contingent that runs this planet will not be defeated by Glass-Steagall or any other paper document!

G. Edward Griffin on The Banking System is Blowing Up

Ben Swann talks with G. Edward Griffin, the author of Creature From Jekyll Island about the need for truth in media and how to share liberty ideas with friends, coworkers and neighbors
The Monetary Systewm Fraud . G. Edward Griffin (author or Creature from Jekyll Island, World Without Cancer, The Capitalist Conspiracy, and producer of What in the World are They Spraying?')

G. Edward Griffin is an American film producer, author, and political lecturer. He is perhaps best known as the author of The Creature from Jekyll Island, a critique of much modern economic theory and practice, specifically the Federal Reserve System. Starting as a child actor, he became a radio station manager before age 20. He then began a career of producing documentaries and books on often-debated topics like cancer, Noah's ark, and the Federal Reserve System, as well as on libertarian views of the Supreme Court of the United States, terrorism, subversion, and foreign policy. Since the 1970s, Griffin
G. Edward Griffin
has promoted laetrile as a cancer treatment, a view considered quackery by the medical community. He has also promoted the Durupınar site as hosting the original Noah's ark, against skeptics as well as near-Ararat Creationists. He has opposed the Federal Reserve since the 1960s, saying it constitutes a banking cartel and an instrument of war and totalitarianism. (Wikipedia)

Bradley Manning Has Become a Martyr says Julian Assange

Bradley Manning Has Become a Martyr says Julian Assange

The sentencing hearing for Army whistleblower Bradley Manning begins today following his acquittal on the most serious charge he faced, aiding the enemy, but conviction on 20 other counts. On Tuesday, Manning was found guilty of violating the Espionage Act and other charges for leaking hundreds of thousands of government documents to WikiLeaks. In beating the "aiding the enemy" charge, Manning avoids an automatic life sentence, but he still faces a maximum of 136 years in prison on the remaining counts. In his first U.S. television interview since the verdict, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange discusses the Manning "show trial," the plight of National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden, and the verdict's impact on WikiLeaks. "Bradley Manning is now a martyr," Assange says. "He didn't choose to be a martyr. I don't think it's a proper way for activists to behave to choose to be martyrs, but these young men -- allegedly in the case of Bradley Manning and clearly in the case of Edward Snowden -- have risked their freedom, risked their lives, for all of us. That makes them heroes." According to numerous press reports, the conviction of Manning makes it increasingly likely that the U.S. will prosecute Assange as a co-conspirator. During the trial, military prosecutors portrayed Assange as an "information anarchist" who encouraged Manning to leak hundreds of thousands of classified military and diplomatic documents.

75% US Nuclear Plants Leaking Toxic Tritium Radiation Into Drinking Water Supply

Here is some more good news our government is not telling the American people about.75 Percent of US Nuclear Power Sites Leak

This all is happening, nuclear and private companies: ruthless operators! Be aware. Safeguard nature, all life.
This was reported on June 22. 2011. What is happening now!?
Has this problem been removed..You better check your water!
They need to be closed all down this reactor, no one of them is safe!!
Radioactive tritium has leaked from three-quarters of United States commercial nuclear power sites, often into groundwater from corroded, buried piping, an Associated Press investigation shows.

And the number and severity of the leaks has been escalating,
even as federal regulators extend the licences of more reactors across the US. 

Tritium, which is a radioactive form of hydrogen,
has leaked from at least 48 of 65 sites, according to US Nuclear Regulatory Commission records reviewed as part of AP's year-long examination of safety issues at ageing nuclear power plants. 

Leaks from at least 37 of those facilities contained concentrations exceeding the federal drinking water standard - sometimes at hundreds of times the limit. 

While most leaks have been found within plant boundaries, some have migrated offsite, but none is known to have reached public water supplies.

At three sites - two in Illinois and one in Minnesota - leaks have contaminated drinking wells of nearby homes but not at levels violating the drinking water standard. At a fourth site, in New Jersey, tritium has leaked into an aquifer and a discharge canal feeding a bay on the Atlantic Ocean. 

The US Environmental Protection Agency says tritium should measure no more than 20,000 picocuries per litre in drinking water. 

It also estimates seven of 200,000 people who drink such water for decades will develop cancer. 

The tritium leaks have also spurred doubts among independent engineers about the reliability of emergency safety systems at the 104 nuclear reactors situated on the 65 sites. 

However, federal and industry officials say the tritium leaks pose no health or safety threat. Tony Pietrangelo, chief nuclear officer of the industry's Nuclear Energy Institute, said impacts were "next to zero". 

Corrosion has occurred for decades along the hard-to-reach, wet underbellies of the reactors - generally built in a burst of construction during the 1960s and 1970s. An industry document said 38 leaks from underground piping had been found between 2000 and 2009 with nearly two-thirds of those being reported during the past five years. 

Subsurface water not only rusts underground pipes but attacks other buried components, including electrical cables that carry signals to control operations. 

A 2008 NRC staff memo reported industry data showing 83 failed cables between 21 and 30 years of service - but only 40 within their first 10 years of service. 

AP found the leaks sometimes go undiscovered for years. 

Many of the pipes or tanks have been patched, and contaminated soil and water have been removed in some places. Mistakes and defective material have contributed to some leaks but corrosion is the main cause. And, safety engineers say, the rash of leaks suggest nuclear operators are hard put to maintain the decades-old systems. 

The Union of Concerned Scientists reported in September that more than 400 known radioactive leaks of all kinds of substances had occurred over the history of the US industry. 

Nuclear engineer Bill Corcoran said that since much of the piping was inaccessible and carried cooling water, the worry was if the pipes leaked there could be a meltdown. 

Mario Bonaca, a former member of the NRC's advisory committee on Reactor Safeguards, said: "Any leak is a problem because you have the leak itself - but it also says something about the piping. Evidently something has to be done." 

An NRC taskforce on tritium leaks last year dismissed the danger to public health. Instead, its report called the leaks "a challenging issue from the perspective of communications around environmental protection" but admitted they had "impacted public confidence". 

The industry has also been trying to stop the leaks by drilling more monitoring wells and replacing old piping. So far, 66 reactors have been approved for 20-year extensions to their original 40-year licenses, with 16 more extensions pending. 

Regulators and industry have also worked in concert to loosen safety standards to keep the plants operating.
Thanks go to PRESSTV..excellent reportage
Thank You for watching It is important to learn all what is happening around us Blessings
SAY NO TO NUCLEAR close them all down!!

Judge Napolitano Reacts To Bradley Manning Verdict

And of course Manning was going to lose, this admin hates anyone that questions it and goes after them with a vengeance. The MSM are barely covering this.The MSM is accepting the US govt. line and is reporting that as the undisputed truth. Scary times brothers and sisters !

Julian Assange Calls For Full Acquittal For Manning

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says the espionage conviction of U.S. soldier Bradley Manning sets a dangerous precedent and must be reversed.

Full Story:

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Tuesday (July 30) condemned a military court at Fort Meade for finding U.S. soldier Bradley Manning guilty of 19 charges relating to leaking official documents.

A military judge on Tuesday found Manning not guilty of aiding the enemy, the most serious charge he faced for handing over documents to WikiLeaks.

He still likely faces a long jail term for the other counts.

Colonel Denise Lind ruled the 25-year-old Army private first class was guilty of five espionage charges, for the largest unauthorized release of classified U.S. data in the nation's history.

The trove of documents, including battlefield videos and diplomatic cables, was a huge boost to the profile of the WikiLeaks anti-secrecy website and Assange.

Tuesday's verdict could be a blow to his efforts to encourage people with access to secret information to release it publicly.

[Julian Assange, WikiLeaks Founder]:
"It is a short-sighted judgement that cannot be tolerated and it must be reversed. It can never be that conveying true information to the public is espionage. It is clear the last few years has seen an important backlash against the authoritarianism being exercised by the United States government... Edward Snowden's actions are clearly also a reaction against national security extremism."

Manning, was working as a low-level intelligence analyst in Baghdad when he was arrested three years ago, could face a hundred-and-thirty-six-year sentence in military prison.

Lind will take up the question of his sentence on Wednesday (July 31).

The U.S. government was pushing for a life sentence without parole, which would have come if Manning had been convicted of aiding the enemy.

Rush Limbaugh Says "Capitulation" Has Become Republican Strategy - Michelle Bachmann

Michelle Bachmann - Republican Needs A Line In The Sand!
Rush Limbaugh Says "Capitulation" Has Become Republican Strategy - Michelle Bachmann

Modern Warfare and Security Issues ~ Robert Young Pelton

War & Security - July 30 2013 - Coast to Coast Am - C2CAM Date: 07-30-13

George interviews Robert Young Pelton & M.J. Rose.

About the show:

In the first half, author and adventurer Robert Young Pelton discussed modern warfare and security issues, current areas of turmoil around the globe, and related topics. Regarding the recent military ruling on Bradley Manning, in which he was acquitting of aiding the enemy, but found guilty of lesser charges related to the WikiLeaks documents, Pelton said there was a huge difference between him and Snowden. As a soldier, Manning was under very specific laws and requirements, while Snowden, a civilian contractor was working for a private corporation. Also, the kind of information that Snowden leaked wasn't private communications between diplomats, but rather secret government policies that could be construed as breaking the law, he said. Looking at such things as the IRS' selective targeting of certain groups, and people imprisoned at Gitmo without trials, "all the bits and pieces are in place for an Orwellian society," Pelton remarked.

As we see with Snowden, some 70% of intelligence gathering is done through freelancers and outside companies, he said, adding that we now "outsource" wars calling them "stability operations." For instance, the US hires contractors, typically ex-military, who go into a troubled spot like Mali in North Africa as consultants and train the local military, who the US provides with weapons surreptitiously through a second country to fight a war, he detailed. Egypt seems to be having "Arab springs" every month, and some countries like Syria are in a constant state of turmoil, Pelton noted. He sees al Qaeda as a continuing threat as their organization has grown larger. They are trying out different acts of terrorism, and watching with interest to see which attacks are most effective, he cautioned.


In the latter half, author M.J. Rose spoke about the history of seances and techniques that have been used by the likes of Victor Hugo, Mark Twain, Mary Todd Lincoln and Arthur Conan Doyle to access the souls and spirits of the departed. Seances reached their height of popularity during the Victorian era, with the rise of interest in Spiritualism. Yet, trickery was enormously prevalent during this era, such as the use of a "trumpet" in which people at a seance listened through it and heard the voices of spirits, but it was actually the sitter manipulating their own voice through it, she explained. A lot of trick photography (see example) was used to portray ghosts, spirits and other phenomena, and because the photographic medium was so new, people tended to believe it was authentic.

The Ghost Club was a group started in 1862 in London with the goal of carrying out scientific studies of paranormal activity, and well known members included Conan Doyle and Charles Dickens. They sought to investigate, and in many cases debunk, spiritualists and seances, and the group led to the formation of the Society of Psychical Research some 20 years later. A kind of seance involved "table tapping," a forerunner to the Ouija board, with messages spelled out in taps on a stool. In Paris, the renowned French writer Victor Hugo became obsessed with seances after the death of his daughter. In a two-year period he was involved in some 100 seances, in which not only his daughter came through, but Jesus, Shakespeare, a Martian, and Plato were said to send messages, she recounted. Rose also touched on her interest and study of reincarnation and soul groups.

News segment guests: Catherine Austin Fitts, Dannion Brinkley

Remote Viewers Predict Catastrophic Events for 2013

Remote Viewers Predict Catastrophic Events for 2013

Criminals who run the NWO's agenda have the same handbook as the CCCP. It is Zionist-Stalinism, are destabilizing as many countries as possible. Global NWO Mafia is rapidly bringing down the US, the biggest obstacle in their way for implementing Global Fascist Rule. Then Europe, 2nd biggest obstacle will be brought down. Global chaos will be. Leaders of China+Russia+US work together, are Stalinists. Half billion nuclear war survivors will be electr. tagged, for slavery. It's the apocalypse (the unveil) the ultimate truth is no more hidden , we are in the crossroad now , we have to chose , to evolve or die , if you want to know the truth that will set you free

Economic Collapse 2014 - Global Economic Crisis

Economic Collapse 2014 - Global Economic Crisis

Time to start our own economic situation...start growing your own food and bartering with one another. Some grow olives, others grow veges, others grow fruit and swap with one another each one contributing something to the community...start your own community markets without money, swapping professions for food swapping skills for food, swapping food for food...we could all survive if we loved our neighbour as ourselves!! Share, not hoard to be better than the other..greed has done!!

GCSB and The NSA, Dr Katherine Albrecht with Vinny Eastwood 29 July 2013

Imagine a world of no more privacy. Where your every purchase is monitored and recorded in a database, and your every belonging is numbered. Where someone many states away or perhaps in another country has a record of everything you have ever bought, of everything you have ever owned, of every item of clothing in your closet -- every pair of shoes. What's more, these items can even be tracked remotely.
Once your every possession is recorded in a database and can be tracked, you can also be tracked and monitored remotely through the things you wear, carry and interact with every day.
We may be standing on the brink of that terrifying world if global corporations and government agencies have their way. It's the world that Wal-Mart, Target, Gillette, Procter & Gamble, Kraft, IBM, and even the United States Postal Service want to usher in within the next ten years.It's the world of radio frequency identification.
Radio frequency identification, RFID for short, is a technology that uses tiny computer chips -- some smaller than a grain of sand -- to track items at distance. If the master planners have their way, every object -- from shoes to cars -- will carry one of these tiny computer chips that can be used to spy on you without your knowledge or consent. We've nicknamed these tiny devices "spychips" because of their surveillance potential.
Vinny's NUTShell: Dr Katherine Albrecht
Interesting synchronicity, the weekend after massive protests around New Zealand about the GCSB (the NSA of NZ in Fact the NSA has an office in their building!) bill, which essentially takes away all privacy and opens up the country to a surveillance state, we have one of the worlds foremost authorities on privacy!
This show exposes the agenda of a total surveillance apparatus the New World Order wishes to impose in order to identify potential troublemakers, and neutralize them.
The targets are not people breaking the law, but rather activists, journalists and whistle blowers who expose the fact that it is THE GOVERNMENT that are the criminals!

The Hagmann And Hagmann Report July 30 2013 Lack of Knowledge

The Hagmann & Hagmann Report provides listeners information about current events and historical topics that transcend the political right-left paradigm and delve into the real issues behind the sugar-coated news.
This unique, father-son detective duo uses their investigative abilities and resources to aggressively research and report on issues left untouched by the corporate media and those that exist beyond the scope of the non-traditional media. The show addresses many issues once considered mere fodder for "conspiracy theorists," tracing their roots from the various events that created them through the fabric of history to the present day.
The program digs deep into current topics that include questions about who is really running America, who is really benefitting from the massive financial bailouts, who and what is behind controversial legislation such as the NDAA, SOPA, Agenda 21, and other issues that are rarely addressed with focus, clarity and accuracy. No stone is left unturned, no topic left untouched.
Certain pivotal events that changed the course of U.S. and world history are also subjected to investigative scrutiny, from the start of the Federal Reserve, World Wars I and II, Vietnam, the McCarthy hearings, the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, to the 1979 Iran hostage crisis, the BCCI scandal, the attacks of 9/11 and events taking place through the various presidential administrations of William Clinton, George H.W. Bush, his son and now Barack Hussein Obama.
The hosts will always leave the audience more informed yet wanting more. It can and does get lively at times, as they don't always agree on matters of intent and motive!
Real information. Real truth. Less hype.

The Hagmann & Hagmann Report provides viewers and listeners information about current events and historical topics that transcend the political right-left paradigm and delve into the real issues behind the sugar-coated news. This unique, father-son detective duo uses their investigative abilities and resources to aggressively research and report on issues left untouched by the corporate media and those that exist beyond the scope of the non-traditional media. The show addresses many issues once considered mere fodder for "conspiracy theorists," tracing their roots from the various events that created them through the fabric of history to the present day

Stephen Quayle is the author of five books. For over thirty years, he has been investigating ancient civilizations, giants, UFOs and biological warfare as they relate to the future of mankind. Stephen discusses the coming worst-case scenarios approaching this world and how they interrelate to each other. Earthquakes, volcanoes, nuclear and biological terrorism, coupled with the planned financial meltdown of the U.S. dollar will thrust us into unimagined tribulations. Stephen Quayle is on record as stating that we have moved from the realm of natural threats into the arena of supernaturally guided events of the unseen hand of evil orchestrating world events of unfathomable proportions

Catherine Austin Fitts - The Big Question is How Violent will Things Get ?

Catherine Austin Fitts of says, "I think bail-ins are coming . . . the big question is not will we be able to get out insured deposits. I think the big question is how violent will things get?" Fitts biggest worry is not financial collapse. She says, "I don't think the people who run the U.S. military or run the United States government are going to say we're happy to collapse rather than go to war. They are going to go to war. They're going to shake somebody down." Fitts goes on to add, "I think gold is the greatest form of insurance you can have during this transition period." Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with money manager Catherine Austin Fitts.

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Rush Limbaugh on Greta (FULL) Obama Destroying Economy - 9 Million Jobs Lost! 7/30/2013

Rush Limbaugh on Greta (FULL) Obama Destroying Economy - 9 Million Jobs Lost!
7/30/2013 7/30/2013 - Rush Limbaugh sat down for an interview with Greta Van Susteren for On the Record on the Fox News Channel.


From Wall Street, gold price and US finance to conspiracies, latest global news, s is the place to be.
Has the American dream come to an end? What does the recent McDonald's minimum wage guide say about the nature of labor in the US? And, is there a way to improve income disparity?


From Wall Street, gold price and US finance to conspiracies, latest global news, Four out of five US adults come to grips with joblessness, near-poverty or reliance on welfare for at least some parts of their lives. Over 41 percent of the nation's poor are whites, according to a new report.

In 2011, 46.2 million people in the US were living in poverty and the nation's official poverty rate was 15 percent, up from 14.3 percent in 2009, according to the US Census Bureau. That figure appears to be the highest number seen in the 52 years for which poverty estimates have been recorded.

Although poverty rates for blacks and Hispanics are proportionately nearly three times higher, by absolute numbers the predominant face of the poor is white, the latest report shows. Economic insecurity among whites is said to be more common than is shown in the government's poverty data, engulfing over 76 percent of white adults by the time they turn 60, according to a new economic gauge being published next year by Oxford University Press.

Pessimism has been steadily growing across the country, with 63 percent of whites describing the US economy as 'poor' in the most recent AP-GfK poll. It's believed that he growing gap between rich and poor and the loss of good-paying manufacturing jobs are to blame.

"If you do try to go apply for a job, they're not hiring people, and they're not paying that much to even go to work," a Buchanan County resident, 52-year-old Irene Salyers said, adding that where she lives children have "nothing better to do than to get on drugs."

Almost one out of sixteen people in the USA are living in deep poverty. The risks of poverty have been growing in recent decades, especially among people aged 35-55. For instance, people aged 35-45 had a 17 percent risk of encountering poverty during 1969-1989; the risk increased to 23 percent during the period 1989-2009.

Over 19 million whites fall below the poverty line of $23,021 for a family of four, accounting for over 41 percent of the US destitute, nearly double the number of poor blacks, according to the survey data revealed by AP. By 2030 up to 85 percent of all working-age adults in the US will experience economic insecurity.

Although by race, non-whites still have a higher risk of being economically insecure, compared with the official poverty rate, some of the biggest increases under the newer measure are among whites, with over 76 percent experiencing bouts of joblessness, life on welfare or near-poverty.
american america u.s. survey jobs job employment poverty family struggle joblessness economic economy "below poverty line" "united states" obama recovery unemployment "part time job" work working construction housing boom bubble prediction 2013 future student media news newspaper americans usa gold silver "gold bullion" welfare humanity agency "job agency" elite employee employer debt government help benefit benefits corporation study university banking data "new world order" agenda illuminati rothchild rothschild george soros jim rogers alex jones infowars rt gerald celente trends in the news david icke lindsey williams

The share of children living in high-poverty neighborhoods — those with poverty rates of 30 percent or more — has increased to one in 10, putting them at higher risk of teenage pregnancy or dropping out of school. Non-Hispanic whites accounted for 17 percent of the child population in such neighborhoods, compared with 13 percent in 2000, even though the overall proportion of white children in the US has been declining.

The share of black children in high-poverty neighborhoods dropped from 43 percent to 37 percent, while the share of Latino children went from 38 percent to 39 percent.

According to the nation's leading domestic hunger-relief charity Feeding America, over 16 million children under the age of 18 (21 percent) were in poverty in 2011.

"It's time that America comes to understand that many of the nation's biggest disparities, from education and life expectancy to poverty, are increasingly due to economic class position," a Harvard professor who specializes in race and poverty William Julius Wilson told AP.

"There is the real possibility that white alienation will increase if steps are not taken to highlight and address inequality on a broad front," he warned.

Lindsey Williams ~ The Economies of the World will be brought down all in one time with the Derivative Market

Lindsey Williams ~ 22nd July 2013 Radio Interview K-TALK with Mills Crenshaw

Chaplain Lindsey Williams, who has been an ordained Baptist minister for 28 years, went to Alaska in 1971 as a missionary. The Transalaska oil pipeline began its construction phase in 1974, and because of Mr. Williams' love for his country and concern for the spiritual welfare of the "pipeliners," he volunteered to serve as Chaplain on the pipeline, with the subsequent full support of the Alyeska Pipeline Company. Because of the executive status accorded to him as Chaplain, he was given access to the information that is documented in this book. After numerous public speaking engagements in the western states, certain government officials and concerned individuals urged Mr. Williams to put into print what he saw and heard, stating that they felt this information was vital to national security. Mr. Williams firmly believes that whoever controls energy controls the economy. Thus, The Energy Non-Crisis. Because of the outstanding public response that has been generated by this book, Lindsey Williams is in great demand for speaking engagements, radio, and TV shows.
Pastor Lindsey Williams, who has been an ordained Baptist minister for 28 years, went to Alaska in 1971 as a missionary. The Transalaska oil pipeline began its construction phase in 1974, and because of Mr. Williams' love for his country and concern for the spiritual welfare of the "pipeliners,&quot ; he volunteered to serve as Chaplain on the pipeline, with the subsequent full support of the Alyeska Pipeline Company. Because of the executive status accorded to him as Chaplain, he was given access to information documented in his eye opening book, The Energy Non-Crisis.
After numerous public speaking engagements in the western states, certain government officials and concerned individuals urged Mr. Williams to put into print what he saw and heard, stating that they felt this information was vital to national security. Mr. Williams firmly believes that whoever controls energy controls the economy. Thus, The Energy Non-Crisis.

Manning Not Guilty of Aiding the Enemy But Faces 130 Years in Prison

Michael Ratner offers context for Bradley Manning's conviction and discusses possible outcomes of his upcoming sentencing

 130 years in prison for exposing war crimes, yet the guys piloting/gunning on the Apache are not up on homicide charges, or war crimes charges. The US justice system looks very broken from the outside.

Down The Rabbit Hole with Popeye Questions About The Death of Michael Hastings & More (07-12-2013)

Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye (07-12-2013) Questions About The Death of Michael Hastings & More

On this edition of DTRH Popeye is joined for two hours by friend, radio show host, and filmmaker Steve Stars. The first thing they get into is a prime example of how the main stream media talking heads are nothing more than repeaters who just read a teleprompter without any thought whatsoever. Next they get into the mysterious death of journalist Michael Hastings, and whether they think it was an accident or an assassination. Popeye asks the question, why has nobody in the LAPD contacted Mercedes Benz and asked them about whether or not their cars just randomly explode while driving down the street, or upon a light impact with an object? Moving on they get into the SWAT team raid on Adam Kokesh over a YouTube video of him loading a shotgun in what appears to be Washington D.C, and whether it was overkill. This leads to a conversation about a case of police brutality where a bicyclist was arrested for DUI, even though he wasn't drinking, and was subject to a forced urine draw with a catheter while wide awake and under no anesthetics. They end on a positive note by urging retired police to form more groups to educate the current force as to what they real duty is, and who it is to.

The Truth About Bradley Manning ~ Stefan Molyneux

The US government wants to keep on the offensive and heavily prosecuting all truth tellers so that we don't think that those in government who are performing crimes against the people ARE prosecutable!! Keep on the offensive! Keep prosecuting and pumping propaganda so we can't get our feet on the ground!! How will we find our way?

Elizabeth Warren ~ Banking Hearing on Wall Street Reforms

Senator Elizabeth Warren's Q&A at a July 30, 2013 Banking Committee Hearing on "Mitigating Systemic Risk in Financial Markets through Wall Street Reforms." Panelists include Mary Jo White, Chair, Securities and Exchange Commission and Gary Gensler, Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

Webbot Clif High Wujo, Ice Age, Gray Market US, Government Jobs, Hardsided Yurts, Shrimp Towers 29-Jul-2013

Webbot Clif High Wujo, Ice Age, Gray Market US, Government Jobs, Hardsided Yurts, Shrimp Towers 29-Jul-2013

 Title: 29-Jul-2013 Clif High Wujo, Ice Age, Gray Market US, Government Jobs, Hardsided Yurts, Shrimp Towers
so sad that our economy is so one-tracked. When they pull the trigger per say on wiping out the dollar this country will be in a real way screwed. This is how you collapse a country from within. Americans will be so hung up on not being able to shop at the grocerey store the resistance to foreign troops will be nominal. The writing I see on the wall is beyond horrifying. Having a two yr old and a four yr old and their mom in no real health to weather grueling survival conditions tough..

Detroit Built by Capitalism & Destroyed by Marxism ~ Richard Wolff

Here's what's in your Prime Interest today:
It's official! Bitcoins under intense scrutiny in Thailand. The central bank of the former Kingdom of Siam said Bitcoins are not a currency -- and the nation's legal infrastructure, which includes capital controls, simply does *not* have a place for Bitcoins. So, it's illegal for Thai residents to buy, sell or trade the crypto *non*-currency. In addition, Thai authorities said Bitcoins cannot be moved into or out of the country -- quote "rendering any current stockpiles worthless." Just contemplate that for a moment. Apparently, Alaskan Senator Ted Steven's internet *tubes* simply don't exist in Thailand -- which you would think renders the entire argument moot. Of course it doesn't. Up next, the Senate outlaws gravity.

But here in the US, the Bitcoin community is getting proactive about getting ahead of such legal threats. There's now a Committee for the Establishment of the Digital Asset Transfer Authority -- or DATA -- that is working with regulators and authorities. In fact, there's another Bitcoin conference going on today, and we'll be covering the issues in depth later this week. In the meantime, Perianne breaks down another legal issue -- the Volcker Rule.

And Bob talks to Richard Wolff about dysfunctional Detroit. Speaking of dysfunction, our capital markets might have a shining knight. We'll have to see, but there's a new exchange in town: the IEX. And, it's expressly designed for large investors who don't want to be gamed by high frequency trading. Instead of allowing client computers to sit right next to the exchange's own servers, they'll be in a separate building. So, instead of a delay of ten millionths of a second -- the current industry standard -- the delay will be 350 millionths of a second. Seriously, folks. This is what trading has come to.

The Alex Jones Show - Tuesday, July 30, 2013 (Full Show): Syrian Girl, Marty the Magician

Tuesday: The Alex Jones Show. Bradley Manning Convicted Under Archaic Espionage Act. Syrian Girl Calls Obama What He Really Is...A Traitor To His People:
On this Tuesday, July 30 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Alex welcomes back Syrian Girl who exposes how the Obama-backed Free Syrian Army is actually supplying Al-Qaeda with anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons. Mainstream media sources have recently attempted to paint a false picture of the FSA and Al-Qaeda as being divided. In order to really emphasize Obama's continued suffocation of small business owners, Alex talks to top children's magician Marty Hahne, better known as Marty the Magician. Recently, the U.S. Department of Agriculture forced Marty to get a license for the rabbit that he pulls out of his hat. Now the Obama Administration wants Marty to also submit a 32-page "disaster plan" for the rabbit. Nightly News host David Knight comes in studio to announce the second place winner of Operation Paul Revere. Alex will also take your calls and answer your questions throughout the broadcast.

Who will replace Bernanke as the Chairman of the FED ?

Money talks: Next in the hot seat . This week: Recalculating the size of America's economy, the race for the chairmanship of the Federal Reserve and political turmoil in Europe
Bernanke won't stay on. Successful arsonists leave the scene of the crime before the fire brigade gets there.

The New American Poor : The Middle Class

Lose your job in Australia and there's a good chance there will be a safety net to catch you. The Newstart allowance, Medicare benefits, along with other programs provide help. But it's a very different story in the United States.

It may be the wealthiest country in the world but as documentary maker Philippe Levasseur shows in America's Broken Dreams, when you lose your job in the US there is very little to protect you. In 2008 the global financial crisis hit the poor first, but now America's middle class is being devastated.

Larry, 52, used to manage a large customer service department. But two years ago he lost his job and house. Today he lives in a motel room with his wife and two children and scrapes by on $820 dollars a month, welcoming tourists to Disney World. After he has paid the motel fees, he's left with just $70 a week for food and other necessities.

Terry used to be a sales manager and enjoyed a good life until he was made redundant. He ended up roaming from motel to motel in Florida in his car and eventually was judged 'economically incapable' of raising his six children. The three eldest were placed in foster care.

There are currently 1,800 children growing up in the motels around Disney World. They move from school to school as their parents are forced to find cheaper accommodation.

Amber and Daniel are married but are forced to live on different sides of the United States. Why? It's the only way they can honestly make enough money to stop themselves and their children going hungry.

Three unique stories, but all have one thing in common: they are America's new poor, who struggle for work but can barely survive.

Filmmaker Philippe Levasseur takes his camera into car parks, trailer homes and motels across the country as middle class families try to regain the American dream. What he found is simply shocking.

Deborah Tavares - They Control Everything Now

Jeff Rense & Deborah Tavares - They Control Everything Now
Deborah Tavares explores some of the ways depopulation may occur and everyday things we are exposed to may be used as weapons against the people. If Depopulation is the objective these may be the tools to do just that.

Education Puts Us To Sleep and Enslaves Us – By Jason Liosatos

Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.- Albert Einstein.

The word education comes from the Latin word educo which means to educe, to draw from within. Generally in school we are convinced that education comes from the outside in, with lots of information to fill our minds with to make us clever and ‘successful’. The beginning of school is the beginning of children being robbed of themselves, and being taught that they are not adequate, and not enough or complete people as they are, but will only be enough when they get the next exam, result, better class, better job, better house etc.

This brainwashing literally leaves a person scrambling forwards for the rest of their life trying to find themselves, when they were there all along. Our education and schooling system is not an education, it is a system which teaches us to endure boredom, gets us used to being somewhere between 9 to 4, and forces us to listen to and answer to authority.

Real education should wake us up. Conventional education puts us to sleep and robs us of ourselves. I can remember seeing it in the face of other kids in school, it was an empty look, a look of someone being forced to hand their will and life over to a system they deeply deplored and felt uncomfortable in.

It really was a sort of concentration camp. I felt it was almost like frontal lobotomy en masse. There was a look of confusion and hopelessness in the kid’s eyes, like trapped geniuses. I remember well the feeling of whether you achieved another gold star on the wall chart of the class and the rivalry and fear of who would be best or worse. And the school reports with the comments about your brightness or short attention span. It was not an attention span problem I had, it was that I was bored out of my tiny mind having to go to this same building for years on end listening to the same uninteresting, useless rote.

Over the course of our schooling that system which is supposed to educate us actually does almost the opposite, it dulls and chokes off our innate creative genius, gifts and abilities, which every human being is born and gifted with.

It is like chloroform for us, which creates an amnesia which disconnects and dismembers us from ourselves at a very early age, and cuts us off from who we really are. This may sound harsh but school turns us into robots that are programmed and conditioned to fit into the system that we are forced into when we leave school. By the time we leave school we have become thoroughly conditioned to function in the system of virtual slavery, of working for the next 50 odd years. Looking forward to our lunch break, home times, and weekends off if we are lucky, and our pay cheques which barely feed us, clothe us, and house us. I recently spoke with a disillusioned teacher that had left the system through frustration, who said he can teach a child how to learn what they learn to pass an exam in a few weeks, which they would normally take two years to learn, sat bored to death in a classroom. – Jason Liosatos

Down The Rabbit Hole with Popeye (07-25-2013) Debbie Lewis Peddling Influence & Control of the Media

On this edition of DTRH Popeye welcomes to the broadcast radio show host and film producer Debbie Lewis. They discuss the newest film released by her, and her husband (filmmaker William Lewis) titled PEDDLING INFLUENCE. The movie brings to light the way the media is controlled, who has the influence to control it, how long has this been going on, and what we can do about it. Debbie is a super intelligent lady with allot of knowledge to pass out, make sure to listen.

Wake Up America: Homeland Security Preparing For 2nd Revolution/Economic Collapse

Obama ready to impose martial law in the USA. (New World order RFID chip) Economic Collapse in America 2013

the CENTRAL BANKS are moving America closer to bankruptcy with each passing day. Obama is just a pawn taking his orders from the financial institutions that funded his election , the damage that is being done to the US economy (not to mention the rest of the world's economies), with reckless amounts of QE cannot go on forever? To illustrate - a 747 jet can run out of fuel at 35,000 feet, but will continue to fly for a while with no sign anything is wrong, but eventually - it will go down. That's exactly what's happening to the economy. It's going down, there's nothing that can be done now to stop it whatever the date.

Food Stamp Nation! - Obama Buying Votes - Stuart Varney

Food Stamp Nation! - Sign 'Em Up! - AARP Pushing Food Stamps For Seniors - Stuart Varney

"Today's Government is yesterday's plantation" the policies of dependency have created a situation where now 1 in 7 - 46.5 Million Americans are now receiving food stamps, as well as becoming more dependent upon the government for housing, energy, and health benefits.

ROAD TO WW3 - Rare Footage From Inside Chinese Secret Military Base

China's military gave a rare display of its military prowess to journalists on Monday to help dispel fear about the country's intentions and provide a sense of openness over Chinese strategy the day before Japan's vice FM visits to negotiate territory.

China displayed a range of its weaponry, including anti-aircraft cannons dating back to the 1960s. Similar, modern counterparts were also showcased, as soldiers chatted to journalists about why they joined the military.

Breaking: Massive Explosions rock Florida propane plant in Lake County

July 29, 2013 - A series of gas explosions at a LP tank exchange plant in Lake County, Florida has injured at least 7 people. Witnesses said vibrations from the powerful blasts could be felt several towns Workers were injured and several were missing after a explosions erupted at Florida gas plant. The Orlando Sentinel reports Tavares City Administrator John Drury says 10 of 24 people working have not been accounted for after the blasts.

1995 Obama Reveled the NWO Plan Being Implemented Right Now!

He's been out to destroy America now for almost 20 years. Like he was interviewing for the secret society for to be the Abomination of Desolation spoken of in Daniel 11. Like they were interviewing him to be president clear back in 1995.... and the sheep STILL choose to be hand fed straight to the slaughter house....

Steve Quayle : Big Brother & The coming Economic Collapse ~ The Hagmann And Hagmann Report July 29 2013

The Hagmann And Hagmann Report July 29 2013 Big brother & the coming economic collapse

The Hagmann & Hagmann Report provides listeners information about current events and historical topics that transcend the political right-left paradigm and delve into the real issues behind the sugar-coated news.
This unique, father-son detective duo uses their investigative abilities and resources to aggressively research and report on issues left untouched by the corporate media and those that exist beyond the scope of the non-traditional media. The show addresses many issues once considered mere fodder for "conspiracy theorists," tracing their roots from the various events that created them through the fabric of history to the present day.
The program digs deep into current topics that include questions about who is really running America, who is really benefitting from the massive financial bailouts, who and what is behind controversial legislation such as the NDAA, SOPA, Agenda 21, and other issues that are rarely addressed with focus, clarity and accuracy. No stone is left unturned, no topic left untouched.
Certain pivotal events that changed the course of U.S. and world history are also subjected to investigative scrutiny, from the start of the Federal Reserve, World Wars I and II, Vietnam, the McCarthy hearings, the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, to the 1979 Iran hostage crisis, the BCCI scandal, the attacks of 9/11 and events taking place through the various presidential administrations of William Clinton, George H.W. Bush, his son and now Barack Hussein Obama.
The hosts will always leave the audience more informed yet wanting more. It can and does get lively at times, as they don't always agree on matters of intent and motive!
Real information. Real truth. Less hype.

The Hagmann & Hagmann Report provides viewers and listeners information about current events and historical topics that transcend the political right-left paradigm and delve into the real issues behind the sugar-coated news. This unique, father-son detective duo uses their investigative abilities and resources to aggressively research and report on issues left untouched by the corporate media and those that exist beyond the scope of the non-traditional media. The show addresses many issues once considered mere fodder for "conspiracy theorists," tracing their roots from the various events that created them through the fabric of history to the present day

Stephen Quayle is the author of five books. For over thirty years, he has been investigating ancient civilizations, giants, UFOs and biological warfare as they relate to the future of mankind. Stephen discusses the coming worst-case scenarios approaching this world and how they interrelate to each other. Earthquakes, volcanoes, nuclear and biological terrorism, coupled with the planned financial meltdown of the U.S. dollar will thrust us into unimagined tribulations. Stephen Quayle is on record as stating that we have moved from the realm of natural threats into the arena of supernaturally guided events of the unseen hand of evil orchestrating world events of unfathomable proportions

Monday, 29 July 2013

Pedal To The Metal, WWIII Is Starting To Accelerate To Cover Up The Economic Collapse -- Episode 122

In this report we will discuss the latest news on the economic collapse. Israel, US, China, Japan, Philippines, Russia and other countries are moving and preparing all assets to be ready for the upcoming war. The mid-east is seeing massive uprisings which will put pressure on the US to intervene to protect the US dollar as the reserve currency. China is making deals and is becoming the next reserve currency while the US is waging war just to maintain those countries using the US dollar as the reserve currency. The central bankers will go down fighting to keep the US dollar as the reserve currency.

What is Money - Joseph Salerno

What is Money

The following is a great lecture on "What is Money", given by Joseph T. Salerno, in which he successfully communicates 'what money is' in a down to earth and easy to understand manner.

In the realm of ideas and in advocating voluntary markets, it is extremely important to have a clear understanding of what money is.

Rep. Ron Paul sponsored this Congressional lecture on "What is Money?", part one of a three part series on the basic principles of money for Congressional staff. As a continuing educational tool this lecture was filmed and is provided to the public. Joseph T. Salerno, Ph.D., delivered the lecture. He is academic vice president of the Mises Institute, professor of economics at Pace University, and editor of the Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics.

15 percent Americans live below Poverty line

America's poor problem: 15 percent live below poverty line meanwhile Since 9-11, 10 trillions wasted on fake security, endless military spending, weird wars and 21 trillions in monopoly money for the upper class to drive everyone else into the ocean. The ultra rich have been fleecing the rest of us for some time now. Their motto - We got 80% of them into poverty, can we increase that to 90% anytime soon?

Michelle Malkin: ObamaCare Turned Into 'the Mother of All Bailout Vehicles'

"I really think that this is a front door bailout and it's turned ObamaCare into the mother of all bailout vehicles," said Malkin, calling it a "huge injustice" to responsible taxpayers and to people who live in places "that have not racked up these massive unfunded liabilities."

Face it, folks--this is the model for bailing out the SOCIALIST cities, counties, and states--the U.S. taxpayers will foot the bill for all of California's unfunded medical benefits at all levels of government, followed by Illinois and New York. Would this tactic do anything for the health care of the millions who do or do not want it? i think it used to be called bait and switch, now its just outright theft.

Elite Hacker Barnaby Jack Murdered by NSA?

 Barnaby Jack Dead RIP Genius Hacker Dies | Hacking Legend Barnaby Jack Death RIP Barnaby Jack. Dude was a dead set legend. RIP Barnaby Jack 1 hour ago Barnaby Jack was a world class researcher and great friend. Will miss you. We love and will always love you Barnaby Jack. An Interview with a Guy Who Could Hack Your Pacemaker and Make Your Heart Explode Barnaby Jack Could Hack Your Pacemaker and Make Your Heart Explode Security ace Barnaby Jack finds a pacemaker hack that delivers a deadly shock Barnaby Jack had a great day.Hes a Kiwi computer genius whos been living in America working on hacking into ATMs.Truly.And this week he stole the show at a major computer security convention in Las Vegas by demonstrating his rare and naughty skills on stage.News of Barnabys work has gone global.This has never been done before anywhere in the world.And it took a Kiwi to do it.Thats good we think.Hacking Legend Barnaby Jack Dies | Barnaby Jack Dead RIP Genius Hacker Dies | 7 26 2013

Mysterious Death Of Barnaby Jack Today By John Massaria at UniBrowStudioVision

Well-known hacker Barnaby Jack has died in San Francisco, a week before he was due to show off techniques for attacking implanted heart devices that he said could kill a man from 30 feet away.

The San Francisco Medical Examiner's office said he died in the city on Thursday. It gave no details.

Jack, a security expert, became one of the most famous hackers on the planet after a 2010 demonstration in which he forced ATMs to spit out cash, dubbed "Jackpotting."

According to the Black Hat website, Jack was to present Aug. 3-4 on "Hacking Humans."

"I will discuss how these devices operate and communicate and the security shortcomings of the current protocols. Our internal research software will be revealed that utilizes a common bedside transmitter to scan for, and interrogate individual medical implants," according to promotional material for the event.

The hacking community expressed shock as the news of his death spread via Twitter early on Friday.

"Wow ... Speechless," Tweeted mobile phone hacker Tyler Shields.

Jack's most recent employer, the cyber security consulting firm IOActive Inc, said in a Tweet: "Lost but never forgotten our beloved pirate, Barnaby Jack has passed."

Jack's genius was finding bugs in the tiny computers that are embedded in equipment such as medical devices and banking machines. He received standing ovations at hacking conventions for his creativity and showmanship.

"You grimy bastard. I was just talking up about your awesome work last night," Tweeted Dino Dai Zovi, a hacker known for his skill at finding bugs in Apple products. "You'll be missed, bro."

Friends and fans alike Tweeted memorials to Jack's Twitter handle, @barnaby_jack.

Dan Kaminsky, an expert in Internet security, Tweeted that he had hoped the news of Jack's death was a prank: "God, the stories. Nobody caused such hilarious trouble like @barnaby_jack."

While Jack's attacks on ATMs brought him the most attention, his work on medical devices may have a much broader impact.

Two years ago, while working at McAfee, he engineered methods for attacking insulin pumps that prompted medical device maker Medtronic Inc to bring in outside security firms and revamp the way it designs its products.

He followed that up with the work on heart devices that he was due to present at Black Hat next week -- his first presentation at the annual convention since 2010. This year's Black Hat conference starts tomorrow in Las Vegas.

Jack told Reuters in an interview last week that he had devised a way to attack heart patients by hacking into a wireless communications system that links implanted pacemakers and defibrillators with bedside monitors that gather information about their operations.

"I'm sure there could be lethal consequences," he said.

US Economic Collapse 2014 Be Prepared!

US Economic Collapse 2014 Be Prepared!
"The elephant in the room is that the USA's toilet paper... er, Dollar - is still around only because OPEC and the WGC accept it as tender for commodities incl. oil The hyperinflation in the USA will be delayed until India, China, Iran and Russia are ready to dump their USA Govt. bonds i.e. treasury bonds."

The Alex Jones Show - Monday, July 29, 2013 (Full Show)

On this Monday, July 29 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex runs down the horrific and murderous pronouncement of author, political scientist, television host, "liberal" political commentator, and abortion advocate Melissa Harris-Perry, who believes life begins when parents feel like it does. Other abortion activists, remarkably, have advocated "post-birth abortion" allowing the murder of children until the age of three. Alex also covers the U.S. government's struggle to maintain a semblance of credibility in the face of independent media -- led by Drudge and -- persistently exposing them for the pathological liars they are. On today's worldwide broadcast, Alex runs down other important news and takes your calls.

80 percent of U.S. Adults face near-Poverty, Unemployment, Survey finds

More and more wealth keeps getting concentrated in the top 10%. This game is rigged for sure. How do the rich keep getting richer when they have to pay so much in taxes? Someone want to explain that one? I say give working class at 30% pay raise and watch the economy sore. But then again that would make too much sense for the top 2% of the greedy bastards to comprehend. It's the American Way of Today. This is free market capitalism managed by some of the best politicians corporate and association money can buy. Corporations are free to perform their fiduciary responsibility to make money for investors. If that is done by hoarding capital, investing in grey market derivatives, and maximizing labor from fewest employees as models of efficient production - then the system is working as it should. Now friends, make sure you stretch and save from your unemployment checks and low-wage mix of 2 and 3 job incomes. You will need it to get an education so you too can be burdened with debt and face challenges of offshoring and automation with grace and dignity.

Michelle Malkin on Detroit Bankruptcy and Obamacare

7/29/13 - Michelle Malkin on Detroit Bankruptcy and Obamacare - America Live - Fox News
wall st killed Detroit

That would be like me showing current assets, then deducting 30 years of my mortgage interest (which I haven't yet paid) to end up with my net worth. All govts do this and it's total BS!! When these bogus govts try to cry Bankruptcy, they show the Judge the Balance Shee where they can easily hide Assets. In the CAFR;(CAFR = Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) however, the Statement of Net Assets tells the true story of their financial condition. CURRENT ASSETS minus LONG TERM? (not current liabilities?) = Net Assets...I don't think so!!!

Earth Changes & Seismic Activity ~ Michael Sunanda

An expert in Earth's energy systems, Michael Sunanda spoke about climate, agriculture, and Earth changes. An advocate for permaculture (sustainable living), he suggested that modern farming and deforestation are contributing factors to climate change. Further, he contended that farming methods are causing foods to become too acidic, which makes people sick. He recommended the book Food Not Lawns, for tips on how to turn your yard into a garden.

Climate science based on computer modeling doesn't include factors such as cataclysmic cycles, Sunanda commented. The Earth is moving to a new position in the galaxy which can be associated with axis changes and pole shifts, he noted.

Appearing in the second-half of the program, geologist Jim Berkland talked about earthquakes. Animals can react to quakes between 10 days to three weeks in advance of the event, and he postulated this may be due to the magnetite in their bodies sensing a change in the magnetic field. Lights in the sky may also precede quakes-- such lights were photographed in Japan, he reported.

Berkland declared July 29th through August 5th, 2008 to be the next window of seismic activity. In particular, he said a total eclipse on August 1st will bring high tides that can exert stress on the earth's crusts.


Micheal Sunanda has built & designed hundreds of geodesic dome models & teaching toys. He found the secret DaVinci Geometry Codes in his art work, based on spirals in Nature & Platonic polyhedrons. Micheal is a teacher of Permaculture & Gaia Ecology about whole energy patterns of earth weather, climate systems & natural fractal geometry organic life.

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The phrase "Earth Changes" was coined by the American psychic Edgar Cayce to refer to the belief that the world will soon enter on a series of cataclysmic events causing major alterations in human life on the planet.

This includes "natural events" (such as major earthquakes, the melting of the polar ice caps, a pole shift of the planetary axis, major weather events, solar flares and so on) as well as huge changes of the local and global social, economical and political systems.


Cayce himself also made many prophesies of cataclysmic events involving the whole planet. He claimed the polar axis would shift and that many areas that are now land would again become ocean floor, and that Atlantis would rise from the sea. The belief that the California coast would slip into the sea—a common feature of Earth Changes predictions—originated with Cayce's alleged prophecies.[citation needed] In more recent times, self-proclaimed psychic Gordon-Michael Scallion has issued a variety of prophecies centering on the concept of "Earth Changes" and publishes a monthly newsletter, The Earth Changes Report.

New Age

Cayce's term has been taken up in certain segments of the New Age movement, often associated with other predictions by people claiming to have psychic abilities. Belief in Earth changes is also found among Native Americans, some of whom refer to the concept as "the Great Purification." These beliefs have occasionally been associated with Christian millennialism and beliefs about UFOs. Some New Age adherents believe that Earth changes will preface a "Golden Age" of spirituality and world peace

Seismology (/saɪzˈmɒlədʒi/) is the scientific study of earthquakes and the propagation of elastic waves through the Earth or through other planet-like bodies. The field also includes studies of earthquake effects, such as tsunamis as well as diverse seismic sources such as volcanic, tectonic, oceanic, atmospheric, and artificial processes (such as explosions). A related field that uses geology to infer information regarding past earthquakes is paleoseismology. A recording of earth motion as a function of time is called a seismogram. A seismologist is a scientist who does research in seismology.

Catastrophic Supervolcanoes That Could Wipe-out Mankind ~ John Savino

Authors Marie D. Jones & John Savino (who are father & daughter) discussed the history of catastrophic supervolcanoes, and the possible locations where they could occur again. Supervolcanoes are associated with certain calderas around the planet, and when they erupt, the amount of material they spew far surpasses a regular volcano. The study of these massive volcanoes is relatively new, said Salvino, who noted that Cambridge Univ. has found 42 occurrences of them in the last 38 million years. There is a possibility that ones not yet identified could suddenly erupt.

Jones spoke about the Toba supervolcano which erupted 74,000 years ago in Sumatra. The massive amounts of ash brought about an ice age, and nearly made extinct the human/Neanderthal population of about 100,000. Ash, which contains small shards of glass, causes suffocation and internal bleeding, she explained. The remaining population, heavily reduced in numbers, was forced to rapidly differentiate in order to survive, she suggested.

If the Yellowstone caldera erupted (as it did 640,000 years ago) the ash fall would extend all the way to the East Coast, agriculture in the Midwest would be destroyed, transportation would be halted, and up to 2/3 of the population could die, Salvino outlined. Another supervolcano in the U.S. is in Long Valley, CA-- it last erupted some 760,000 years ago, but could be triggered to blow by a giant quake in Southern California, he warned.


Dr. John Savino received a Masters Degree in Physics (1964) and Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Geophysics (1971) from Columbia University, New York, New York. Graduate and postgraduate work in seismology performed at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, part of Columbia University. Fields of study included plate tectonics and earthquake prediction and discrimination between earthquakes and underground explosions. From 1991 to the present he's been working on the potential seismic and volcanic hazards associated with the underground high-level waste repository planned for Yucca Mountain, Nevada, located about 90 miles north of Las Vegas.


Marie Jones has been involved with the paranormal in one way or another for most of her life, which led to a fascination with quantum physics and the writing of her new book, "PSIENCE: How New Discoveries in Quantum Physics and New Science May Explain the Existence of Paranormal Phenomena." Marie is also a New Thought/Metaphysics minister and spiritual counselor. She holds a Master's Degree in Metaphysical Studies and has also studied Wicca, goddess traditions, mythology and comparative religion. She worked as a field investigator for MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) in Los Angeles and San Diego in the 1980s and 1990s.

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A supervolcano is a volcano capable of producing a volcanic eruption with an ejecta volume greater than 1,000 km3 (240 cu mi). This is thousands of times larger than most historic volcanic eruptions.[1] Supervolcanoes can occur when magma in the Earth rises into the crust from a hotspot but is unable to break through the crust. Pressure builds in a large and growing magma pool until the crust is unable to contain the pressure. They can also form at convergent plate boundaries (for example, Toba) and continental hotspot locations (for example, Yellowstone).

Although there are only a handful of Quaternary supervolcanoes, supervolcanic eruptions typically cover huge areas with lava and volcanic ash and cause a long-lasting change to weather (such as the triggering of a small ice age) sufficient to threaten species with extinction.

Media Portrayal
Satellite image of Lake Toba, the site of a VEI-8 eruption ~75,000 years ago
Volcano, lake, and caldera locations in the Taupo Volcanic Zone

In 2005, a two-part television docudrama called Supervolcano aired on BBC One, the Discovery Channel, and other television networks worldwide.

Nova featured an episode "Mystery of the Megavolcano" in September 2006 examining such eruptions in the last 100,000 years.

In 2006, the Sci Fi Channel aired the documentary Countdown to Doomsday which featured a segment called "Supervolcano". The same year, ABC News aired the documentary Last Days on Earth, which featured a segment called "Supervolcano".

In the episode "Humanity" of Young Justice, the team must relieve the pressure of the Yellowstone Caldera supervolcano caused by Red Volcano before an eruption with the potential for mass extinction takes place.

In 2009, the apocalypse-themed film 2012 featured the eruption of a massive supervolcano inside Yellowstone National Park, a result of the Earth's core heating up. This made the entirety of Southern USA uninhabitable.