Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Remote Viewers Predict Catastrophic Events for 2013

Remote Viewers Predict Catastrophic Events for 2013

Criminals who run the NWO's agenda have the same handbook as the CCCP. It is Zionist-Stalinism, are destabilizing as many countries as possible. Global NWO Mafia is rapidly bringing down the US, the biggest obstacle in their way for implementing Global Fascist Rule. Then Europe, 2nd biggest obstacle will be brought down. Global chaos will be. Leaders of China+Russia+US work together, are Stalinists. Half billion nuclear war survivors will be electr. tagged, for slavery. It's the apocalypse (the unveil) the ultimate truth is no more hidden , we are in the crossroad now , we have to chose , to evolve or die , if you want to know the truth that will set you free


  1. In studying Fathers Word with Pastor Murray @ShepherdsChapel I relize that few understand what things will come to pass before coming back of our Lord Jesus n the end of this 2nd earth age were in now. I wonder why theres never a mention of the false messiah which will be satan himself appearing in the Holy land Jerusalem claiming hes Jesus as is stated in 2Thessalonians chapt 2. Remote view those days for they will come in this generation of the Fig Tree.

  2. Yeah Courtney boy and his team predicted this NO LATER than June 1ST 2013...come and gone. Something is coming however NO-ONE knows WHAT/WHERE/WHEN except for those IN THE KNOW!!! by day survivalist no matter how much money you think you have? Digits on an interface folks that's it which can AND WILL BE GONE IN THE BLINK OF A HUMMINGBIRDS EYE!!
