Sunday, 28 July 2013


Detroit has to fail, it has to be an example for the statists that their men are not gods and they cannot promise the world and deliver. the major banks will fail the second QE-INF stops. governments and their promises must also fail or this whole ponzi scheme will just become that much worse for everyone.

Detroit is under attack by the international banking elite. The gutting of Detroit, its public works, its social programs and all human safety nets is the same Bankster-genocidal model used in Cyprus and Greece. This is also the model for countless other large cities in the United States. If the cartel banks are not tied down with rule of law and prosecuted for crimes already committed, the Banksters will take it all. This IS austerity. This IS a model for genocide. The financial elite considers any restoration of Glass-Steagall "an ACT OF WAR". But it's clear that the Banksters have ALREADY declared war, on the people. What will YOU do to stop them?

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