Monday, 29 July 2013

Congress Closing Tax Loopholes in a Safe ???

The Government is taking aim at tax loopholes and Americans who hide money offshore as part of a bid to boost its revenue base. This is just stupidity and classic political BS. Make it look like you're doing something while you basically give the rich guys another free pass.
Now the government is really scrapping the barrel to find any money. Sometimes I feel like they can tax us 100% and it still wouldn't be enough. I Don't have a problem paying taxes I just hate being "shaken" down by the tax man and then see or hear about money being wasted. I'd rather pay less tax, use less government services and save the little extra to take care of myself. But hey, I'm a nobody citizen so I don't get much say where the tax monies go. I remember my grandfather saying politicians used to buy votes with a bottle of whiskey. Prices have increased quite a bit.

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