Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Rush Limbaugh on Greta (FULL) Obama Destroying Economy - 9 Million Jobs Lost! 7/30/2013

Rush Limbaugh on Greta (FULL) Obama Destroying Economy - 9 Million Jobs Lost!
7/30/2013 7/30/2013 - Rush Limbaugh sat down for an interview with Greta Van Susteren for On the Record on the Fox News Channel.

1 comment:

  1. You White Conservatives when you talk like that you make Welfare sound Awesome. Big Screen TVs, Cars, etc..

    However, those that are Progressives are those who get down and dirty with Welfare, know for a fact that Welfare is not Awesome at all.

    Too bad you people don't get it and as a result America is headed to become a Racial, Economic, and Social Basketcase like Rwanda or Eastern Europe.

    Talk about Division, it is YOU PEOPLE (I love saying that) who are fanning the flames of such division with your so called solutions to the problem.

    Now what about them Apples?

    - The Black Man
