Sunday, 17 February 2013

Apocalypse Not ~ John Michael Greer

Date: 11-23-11
Host: George Noory
Guests: John Michael Greer

Appearing during the middle two hours, longtime researcher and explorer in alternative realities, John Michael Greer, discussed his new work demonstrating how history has proven that apocalyptic and revolutionary notions such as the Rapture and the Singularity will never happen, but can be used to control the masses. When people become convinced that the world is going to end on a specific date (most recently Harold Camping), "they're facing a world of disappointment, consistently, every single time," he commented.

Noteworthy about various apocalypse myths is what happens afterward-- typically "somebody's fondest daydream," such as "we're going to be raptured to heaven and then watch everyone who's ever made fun of us get the crap stomped out of them," or the landing of Space Brothers who give us free energy, and whisk us away on their spaceships, Greer outlined.

Notions of the apocalypse can be used to distract the populace from political or economic issues, he suggested, adding that the more stressed out a society is, the more likely people will turn to apocalyptic scenarios, as a kind of relief. Regarding the Mayan calendar ending in Dec. 21 2012-- "The ancient Mayans didn't actually predict that anything in particular was going to happen on that date," it's just one of many dates, or rollovers in their complicated calendar system which has all kinds of cycles that finish at different times, he explained. The Mayans weren't waiting for the Apocalypse, he continued, but the end date of 12/21/12 caught the popular imagination in recent years, and people have been grafting various cataclysmic scenarios on to it since then.


  1. Do you believe the Bible’s promises? The Bible foretold that many would not. It states: “In the last days there will come ridiculers . . . proceeding according to their own desires and saying: ‘Where is this promised presence of his? Why, from the day our forefathers fell asleep in death, all things are continuing exactly as from creation’s beginning.’” (2 Peter 3:3, 4) But such scoffers are greatly mistaken. Consider just four reasons why you can believe what the Bible says:

    (1) God has intervened in earth’s affairs in the past. The Flood of Noah’s day is an outstanding example.—2 Peter 3:5-7.

    (2) God’s Word accurately predicted current global conditions.

    (3) All things are not “continuing exactly as from creation’s beginning.” On a scale unprecedented in history, our planet suffers from social, moral, and environmental degradation.

    (4) The “good news of the kingdom” is now being preached throughout the earth, signaling that “the end will come” soon.—Matthew 24:14.

  2. what about ww1 ww2 and the past wars were was god then i think your fooling yourself
