Friday, 1 February 2013

Michael Savage attacks Rush Limbaugh for supporting Marco Rubio

Illegal immigration is nothing more than slavery in our modern day and age that the democrats continue to perpetuate and support. We have a system to treat everyone as equals and to create an environment of success. Allowing people to walk over and plant a flag is treason. We need to control who comes over for equality's sake, to protect those that worked hard to get here, and to ensure that those are here get treated with respect. .

When Rubio was born his parents were not naturalized citizens. But this doesn't matter - Rubio himself was born in the U.S. and therefore a citizen by birth of right.He was born in Miami, FL. Although his parents immigrated from Cuba, Rubio is a natural born citizen. IMO, he will be President come 2016. Andrew Jackson's parents were immigrants from Ireland but he still became President

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