Friday, 1 February 2013

The REAL Face of Tyranny.....

This is the same governmental style violating basic rights of other Americans that occurred in the aftermath of Katrina. new Orleans police officers went door the door of law abiding citizens and kicked them in. they wrestled people to the ground and took their only means of defending themselves from the looting gangs,right out of their hands. they said they were just doing their job then too while they confiscated legally possessed guns. these are our neighbors doing this.

Moriningland Dairy, a family business that has been in operation for over 30 years without a single complaint or report of any illness has ceased today. The over two year battle they've had with the Missouri Milk Board ended today with a raid and confiscation of over 250 thousand dollars of inventory seized by the state. As a result of the legal stipulations put on Morningland Dairy which are impossible to comply with they will no longer be able to produce their product. The real crime they are being persecuted for is producing cheese with raw milk. Whether the state wants to admit it or not that is what their real charge is and that in itself is criminal.


  1. "Morningland Dairy" should SUE EVERYONE INVOLVED in this Nazi style thievary!!! The owner seems like such a DECENT and good Christian. Of course he is, Satan goes after the true Christians first. God help this nation, because you better believe, no one else will.

  2. Not sure how a state government action in a Southern conservative state to protect public health is a sign of growing tyranny.
