Sunday, 31 March 2013

After the Tribulation (Full Movie) - Alex Jones

Satan is working behind the scenes to set up a one world government and one world religion in preparation for the Antichrist. He has also deceived modern evangelical Christians into believing that they will be removed from this earth before the great tribulation takes place. This doctrine, known as the pre-tribulation rapture, teaches that Christ may return at any moment, and that there will be no signs of his coming. As a result of this deception, most Christians are completely unprepared for what the Bible has warned us is coming. In this hard-hitting documentary, film-maker Paul Wittenberger (What in the World are They Spraying? and The Great Culling), Pastor Steven L Anderson, Pastor Roger Jimenez, and creation scientist Kent Hovind, prove from the King James Bible that the rapture will take place AFTER THE TRIBULATION but before God pours out his wrath upon this earth. They also expose Satan's plans for a global government and new world order.


  1. Wow, what a deception Alex is promoting. There isn't a word rature in a King James Bible, but thats what satan is going to be telling you when hes cast to earth Rev. 12:9 (we'll be in the 6th trump 6th seal 6th vial)appearing in the Holy land Jerusalem claiming to be Jesus. Oh don't worry bout anything just worship me n your gonna fly away Ez.13:20 God is against thoses who teach your going fly away to save your soul. After satan heals the Deadly Wound to the one world government Rev.13:3 all are going to wonder n worship after the dragon(satan. The Real Jesus King of Kings n Lord of Lords comes at the 7th Trump 7th Seal 7th Vial Rev. 18,19,20. For a good understanding of Fathers Truth not the traditions of man that have been incorporated into religions go to ShepherdsChapel broadbandpage take a few minutes n give a listen to Pastor Arnold Murray if your interested on how these final days in this the generation of the fig tree will play out

  2. You are all running on imagination, and not Biblical facts. Interpretting Revelation and squeezing it into your silly Christian-Pagan mold, is extremely dangerous.

    Consider, that for nearly 2,000 years, a system has existed that claims to speak for God and for Jesus, and represent him on earth. It sits on the seat as pontiff and heir of the pagan Roman emperor, is the fullfillment of everything that Daniel 7s 4th beast empire was prophesied to be, and has consistantly spoken lies, practiced brutality, waged war and gotten rich, and you have the temerity to look to some future supernatural event (a jesuit creation at the time of the reformation), just shows the terrible vail of darkness that covers the churches. Blind leaders of the blind. Come out from her, whether catholic or protestant alike, and be separate, otherwise you will alike perish with her.
    Jesus will sit on David's throne in Jerusalem, as was spoken by Gabriel Luke.1:30-35, and his disciple shall share in his future throne Luke.22:28-30. Be not ignorant of this mystery Rom.11:25-29.

    1. Yes, the current generation are ignorant of the history 0f the western world. A terrible past characterised by cruelty against any who did not conform or submit to the dual alliance of powers, church and state.

      The beast is quite clearly Daniel's 4th beast (Daniel 7), which was firstly pagan rome, and later became christian rome. Revelation's beasts are just an expansion of the different phases of this system, firstly pagan (Red Dragon, ie till 4th Cent), later a beast from the Sea (Rev 13, a revival of Rome under Justinian), later a lamb like beast with two horns (the holy roman empire - Charlemaine 8th century).
      These all continued until the French Revolution wiped away much of their politcal power, and brought us to the vial period of Rev 15&16.

      Go and learn your history .. and see who the real anti-christ is; Read. 1Jn.2:18-19; they went our from us, said John, and their teaching is characterised by 1.John.2:22 & 2.John.7.
      What does your church teach about Jesus - is he God the Son, or is he the Son of God, tempted in all points like us ... of the same flesh. If you believe the former, you are already part of the the anti-christ system.

    2. Actually, 1.Thes.4:17 says nothing about a rapture to heaven. Why implant these ideas in the verse. Why not look for either a contextual or similar reference for explaination.

      Perhaps the words "caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the lord in the air" actually exclude the idea of going to heaven.

      The word "air" specifically speaks of the lower air, not the 'ether', where the gods were said to dwell (Greek meaning).

      Interestingly, Jesus is said to come with clouds, and Israel's introduction to God and Sinai was asscociated with clouds. . Have a read of Exod.13:21, 16:10 where God was in or hidden by the cloud, and of Moses himself who went up into the cloud Exod.24:15-18 to meet with God's representative, the name bearing Angel (Acts.7:53), but did not go into heaven. There was also the sound of a trumpet accociated with this event, Exod.19:16.

      Perhaps you are all missing the historical connection. Rather Paul is teaching that the coming of Christ will be like it was at the time of the Exodus, the faithful will be called out of (the typical) Egypt of darkness (the world), by one like Moses (Deut.18:15) and be caught away (the real meaning of 'caught up' Gk 'harhazo'), to meet this Lord FROM heaven, even Jesus, who has now come to the earth.

  3. This old argument again... ought to go peddle it over at Rapture Ready. Actually that sad part is that if most Christians really knew their Bible from a hole in the ground, they would know that in the book of Acts it speaks of Jesus returning during the lifetime of the apostles. As it is, trying to blame Satan for bad theology is poor reasoning because if it can introduce a significant topic such as the pre-trib rapture, who knows what else has been corrupted as well. EPIC FAIL!

    1. Yes and no. No, first century christian leaders did not preach that Jesus would return during their life time, although they certainly hoped so. Go read 2.Thes.2:3,8. The apostacy had to come first, which it certainly has.
