Monday, 25 March 2013

Stefan Molyneux : The Case Against Democracy

As Aaron Russo said Democracy IS the worst. It's rule by the mob. 51% want to lynch you? OK u r dead. "Majority rules!

Due to the secret contractual control which the Holy Roman Empire still holds on all "slaves" then your protestations mean nothing. Like a sheep bleating as the slaughter truck arrives - the farmer just means "business" and it's nothing personal. You MUST revoke verbally and publicly the antecedent, implied societal contract which your parents inadvertently dropped you into at your birth and which you further reinforced and confirmed at 16 years when you took possession of the NIN, Social Security number. No revocation - no freedom for you .


  1. The present world democracies are improper democracies. This is a term I used in my book "Human Rights, What Are They Really?" and means government implementation of the will of the majority in any matter the politicians choose with the disregard of any right of individuals or groups that get in the way. It has been said before, e.g., by Plato: democracy is a tyranny by the majority. The only proper application of democracy is in deciding what to do with what is owned in common by a group of people. Stockholders voting on an issue is an example. What is owned in common by a population is all that Nature provided and government itself. When properly created a government is created by the people for their purposes. These are listed in my book, but one of the most important is protection of people's rights. That is why governance by the will of the majority irrespective of people's rights is improper democracy.

  2. Plato and Roman historians lived in slave-based states, of course they were deathly afraid of democracy, like southerners in USA.
    We should try democracy sometime, we have utter oligarchy and plutocracy and a corrupt system completely controlled by money and the debt-money banksters - in other words, fascism.
