Monday, 25 March 2013

NWO Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy The Real Truth

"Countless people will hate the New World Order and will die protesting against it. When we attempt to evaluate its promise, we have to bear in mind the distress of a generation or so of malcontents, many of them quite gallant and graceful-looking people." ~ H. G. Wells (1939)


  1. Understanding there won't be a one world government NWO until the dragon heals the Deadly Wound Rev. 13:3 which most likely be financial. Now satans seed on the earth are the Kenites(Hebrew word meaning the children of Cain)1John 3:12 tells us who Cains father was. These are the banking families that control the money except in Cuba,N Korea n Iran. As Rev 2:9 n 3:9 Words of Jesus concerning the 2 out of 7 churches that He approved of Smyrna n Philadelphia as they taught about the Kenite that say they are Jews and are not but are of the synagogue of satan. I know its hard to understand when you've never been taught Fathers Word chapter by chapter verse by verse but rather a verse here n there n traditions of man. Were coming close to the end of this age n the Returning of our Lord Jesus Christ but it doesn't happen until the false messiah appears in the Holy Land(Jerusalem) claiming to be Jesus. Visit ShepherdsChapelbroadbandpage give a listen to Pastor Arnold Murray n decide for yourself times getting short.

  2. I must warn that Shepherd's Chapel is a cult. Mr. Murray has his own theology. He is deluded and thinks he is one of the few (perhaps the only one) who has the truth. I have read the Bible through from cover to cover, verse by verse, and I have never found any scripture that backs up his delusional teachings. He teaches that Eve had sex with (the serpent)Satan, and that Cain was the child of that union. NO scripture backs this heresy. He also teaches that all people existed in a past era as spirit beings on earth in a different age. Again, no scripture to back it up. He also teaches that Jews are kenites descended from Cain (anti-Semitic). He teaches that Americans and Canadians are the true Jews. False. He denies the physical resurrection of believers. False. He denies the Trinity. He teaches modalism-GOD is one person who took different forms or modes. He denies eternal punishment for unbelievers. He predicted that Armageddon would start on June 8-9, 1985 in a "valley of the Alaskan peninsula". Read Deut. 18:20-22 which describes the test of the true prophet of GOD. I pray that all his followers see the error of his teaching. If you are looking for the truth of GOD you will not find it with Mr. Murray.

  3. Your ALL CRAZY!!!!! I'll subscribe to the Buddhist philosophy any time.Tolerance, Right deeds, right actions, right thought. and NO GODS. No original sin. Salvation come from the inner awareness of the true self and learning to connect with the eternal universal cosmic consciousness.
