Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Should Jim Carrey be Deported Back to Canada ?

Jim Carrey's Anti-Gun Rant Hollywood's Hypocrisy on Guns - The Five - Fox News - 3-26-13

It does not surprise me. Jim Carrey has always appeared childish to me and failed to make me laugh. So it’s no wonder why he fails to understand these crucial problems we are facing right now. Carrey is just a prostitute of genocidal Bolshevik commissars. this is not an ideological battle of left vs right, GOP vs Dems, Socialism vs liberty. This is ethnic warfare against all people. The 2nd Amendment is a critical last bastion, a societal panic room of sorts, against tyranny. This much any patriot who read the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Federalist Papers knows already. What isn’t so clear is how screwed we would already be in the event the people finally decide to exercise it to its fullest extent. What they fear the most is the truth. Their nightmare is an armed, well informed, and fed up proletariat. If you know the truth about how they operate, how their propaganda works as a population, the whole thinly veiled Rube Goldberg Machine of Global Domination comes flying apart in a shower of springs, gears, cogs, screws, and nuts.


  1. YES, PLEASE DEPORT Jim Carrey! He's an IDIOT and NOT funny at ALL!!! I can't stand to even look at this BAFFOON! PLEASE-PLEASE-PLEASE send him back from whence he came,the NO TALENT!

    1. Please please please.....we don't want him back.

  2. Americans really love free speech...

  3. What a load of Big Brother Big Gov't Propaganda and Garbage. You don't like his views? then he is working for "Genocidal Bolshevik Commisars"!!!! (Russia is not even the Enemy anymore. It is the fanatic Muslems. remember your own sayings??? I think his humor is Really stupid..Jerry Lewis Dumb..and that is at the bottom of the barrel!!! But To HELL with you Ron Paul.. Just yesterday, I read you and yours rave about your Canadian Branch and how great we were. No More. I was wondering when I would see the other side of you and you have shown it. IN SPADES. You ARE JUST NAZI's in Clown Costumes. I was considering you...But I won't Ever get fooled by you and your ilk again! Big Brother! Carry is a nickel and dime nothing and he is leagally in the U.S.A. You.. are pure Scum!He is a bad joke..you are Scarier than N. Korea... Can't put a name..your Storm Troopers! God!

  4. Anon12:47...dear manic speed freak...there IS help for your psychopathy and for your addiction. But they really shouldn't give you access to the computer in whatever institution you're being housed. Ron Paul a Nazi??? I guess that would make Marx a Libertarian and Madonna the second coming of Mother Teresa. Got it.

  5. Nah that would be silly to deport him lets just tar and feather him after we disarm his bodyguard. Im sure the bodyguard will be in some State that won't recognize his CCW permit like Michael Moores. Tar and feather seems appropriate. We don't want to violate the assclowns 1st amendment rights.
