Sunday, 31 March 2013

Max Igan with Alex Ansary on Outside the Box Radio 23 March 2013

Max Igan with Alex Ansary on Outside the Box Radio 23 March 2013

society expects us all to be ok with rejection and hurt feelings....if we are good at denying that we are hurting each other, then, um, we're going to keep hurting each other and we will keep creating falsehoods to protect our vulnerable, authentic selves it's gotta stop! denying our emotions keeps us from reaching out to one another in compassion...... the more you understand this world..people and how things form here to be..the more hilarious it getsmay all internal wars finish,so all the outer ones do too!

1 comment:

  1. I really used to respect Max Igan, but since his trip to Peru he has gone fruity. No Max, technology isn't evil in and of itself, and when used responsibly it can be your friend. How else do you think you are able to put out your broadcasts over the radio and those horrid iPods?

    While I agree that humans as a whole have become disconnected with nature, all to many people on the spiritual path likewise seem to become disconnected with the here and now for some fantasy world than never existed.
