Monday, 18 February 2013

Louis Farrakhan warned the people in Feb 2 about tornadoes , snow Feb 7 watch what happened ,calamities

They won't listen until the Minister calls his shot, meaning, calling the calamity and where it will strike and when. Then people might listen and not give mother-nature (natural occurrence) the credit...maybe they will see it for what it is...divine chastisement.


  1. god is on the side of harmony sense and sensibility, reason and honesty, truth &consciousness. therefore actin properly in relation to all that do inhabit the planet looks as being god ways of creating global harmony. deviation of the balance can create inexplicable consequences,as the aim is to send a warning sign,no to correct the issue. it for those that live on that planet to fix the issue, it is not gods work, his work is to warn you, however it is for humans to explain and transfer the warnings to other humans.

    1. Seriously Alfredo, you couldn't be further from the truth.
      Only God can rescue the human race. Man has tried for over 6000 years to make it work, and failed miserably. Satan questioned Jehovah's sovereignty in Eden, and that challenge has now had a chance to either succeed or fail.
      Again, it failed miserably.

      Jeremiah 10:23 (ASV) -

      23 O Jehovah, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.
