Monday, 18 February 2013

The Prophecy of the last Pope is upon us

Prophecy of the last pope is upon us , St Malachy prophesied 112 popes until the end. We are on 111 and he just announced he is resigning as early as February 2013 .According to St Malachy's Prophecies, Petrus Romanos is the Pope who will look after the Sheep (God's followers) during the Tribulation, but will Not be wearing the robe or taking the seat of the Pope because of problems within the Vatican Church, and therefore will be working from behind the scenes. Whereas, the "false black Pope" who will take the seat of the Pope, will be doing the work of the AntiChrist

Could the next pope be:
Cardinal Angelo Comastri?
He fits the description of Petrus Romanus - (Peter the Roman) in the prophecy of st malachy(evil prophet)
1.) He is Italian so he is Roman
2.) He is the current President of the Fabric of Saint Peter, Archpriest of St. Peter's Basilica
But I am just speculating.

Prophecies of the antichrist...
1. Will be a little kingdom... (Daniel 7:8)
2. Will come from divided Rome... (Daniel 7:7-8, 20, 23, Revelation 13:1)
3. Emerges after Rome is divided... (Daniel 7:24)
4. Destroys three kingdoms at emergence... (Daniel 7:8, 20, 24)
5. Will be a diverse kingdom... (Daniel 7:7-8, 20, 23, Revelation 17:3)
6. Kingdom is controlled by a single man... (Daniel 7:8, 20)
7. Will be a blasphemous power... (Daniel 7:8, 20, 25, Revelation 13:5, 17:3)
8. Will make war with the saints... (Daniel 2:40, 7:21, 25, 8:24, Revelation 13:7, 17:6, 14)
9. Will think to change God's times and laws... (Daniel 7:25)
10. Kingdom will rule for 1260 days... (Daniel 7:25, Revelation 12:6)
11. Kingdom is wounded after rule... (Daniel 7:26, Revelation 13:3)
12. Wound would be healed... (Revelation 13:3)
13. Name will equal 666... (Revelation 13:18)
14. Kingdom will fornicate with the kings of the earth... (Revelation 17:2)
15. Kingdom will wear purple and scarlet... (Revelation 17:4)
16. Will be decked out in gold and precious stones... (Revelation 17:4)
17. Will hold golden cup in it's hand... (Revelation 17:4)
18. Will be a pseudo-Christian Babylonian cult... (Revelation 17:5)
19. Will be the mother of harlot churches... (Revelation 17:5)
20. Will be the mother of abominations... (Revelation 17:5)
21. Will be drunken with the blood of the saints... (Revelation 17:6)
22. Was, is not, yet is... (Revelation 17:8)
23. Kingdom will sit upon seven hills... (Revelation 17:9)
24. Kingdom will have seven kings... (Revelation 17:10)
25. Will destroy many by peace... (Daniel 7:25, 11:21)
26. World will wonder after this system... (Revelation 13:8, 17:8)
27. Will cause craft to prosper... (Daniel 8:25)
28. Kingdom will be a city... (Revelation 17:18)
29. The eighth king is the antichrist... (Revelation 17:11)
30. Will show signs and wonders... (2 Thessalonians 2:9)
31. Will make a seven-year covenant with many nations... (Daniel 9:27)

1 comment:

  1. i cant find all 16 parts ...what can u do ???
