Friday, 1 March 2013

Harry Dent ~ How to Survive and Prosper in 2013

Bubble, Burst, Stimulus... Bubble - CRASH! Harry Dent Harry Dent talks about an overdue reality check that is facing America! "Politically painful but necessary" says Dent when it comes to getting the fiscal house in order. Dent predicts a CRASH is inevitable in 2013/14. "America has dug itself into a hole - this is the new normal" says Dent. Somebody has to pay a price for all this insanity.... but who?

Stock Market.. an aging Bull Market? Real Estate Party Over? Invest In Gold? Europe Crash Impact? The Government Has To Fail... Survive and Prosper in 2013 with Harry Dent.


  1. But who?

    How about the politicians, in all 3 branches of govt, who caused all this because they're owned by every corporation, special interest, foreign govt and crazy billionaire that has their price?

  2. I keep forgetting that every time I leave a comment, the video stops and goes back to the beginning. Pain the the neck.

  3. Harry Dent is in the deflationist camp. He is wrong about gold. If you got some phyzz gold you should keep it. Harry says sell it. Listen to Harry Dent and you will be sorry.

  4. Harry Dent was the same guy who said in 2000 that the Dow would hit 40,000 by 2006. Oops! If you want to use his "expertise" about Gold, then do just the opposite of what he predicts. He is most probably a Bull Horn for the banks who want you to sell your physical gold so they can buy it cheap.
