Friday, 21 December 2012

David Icke on The Alex Jones Show (December 21, 2012)

David Icke is a one man wrecking machine against the satanic elite.He has exposed the crown of London for what it was,global tyrants that infiltrated Christianity and used it to hide their true agenda.


  1. Icke as a source of information. Are you for real. The man claimed to be like Jesus, the Son of God. The man claims 'the elites' are litterally shape shifting serpents/snakes, and only bread among themselves.

    You can't be serious, or take this guy as trustworthy.

    Jesse Ventura exposed him as an idiot, with a theory and no evidence.

    1. You really know nothing. Jesse Ventura?? You're the idiot.

    2. Ventura asked him for evidence. A reasonable request given the fact that Icke profits from spouting such nonsence to the worldwide gullible. Icke was very offended, as if no one should ever ask for evidence. Of course, he could produce none.

  2. I'm not sure I agree with you on everything. I've had an experience similar to David Icke's and the awareness I gained and that it opened up could very much be likened to a Christ like experience. This is the true return of Christ... The Return of the Christ Consciousness within each of us. The nature of reality is not what the mainstream scientists have led us to believe. I saw the interview or interaction between Icke and Ventura. Nothing in it suggested either was exposed as an idiot. The interview was quite frankly pathetic. I;m not certain about a class of shape shifters but I have heard about some of the North American Indian shamans were able to shape shift into animals.

    1. Exactly...I have heard about ...... (add your brand of 'old wives tales', and it must be true because it hasn't been proved to be untrue).

      Let me see, I've heard about wearewolves, vampires, aliens, demons, pixies, fairies, elves, goblins, wags, hobbits, wizards, trolls, ... etc etc etc.

      No evidence, but it must be true .. how can so many (ignorant, superstitious & stupid) people be wrong..

    2. All repressed individuals experience 'awareness' to a certain degree, when they are awakened to a larger reality than themselves.

      Religious propogandists have been preying on this for ages. It simply means that we humans become self aware, and are able to see outside of ourselves, as no other creature can.

      I believe the Word, that says we were made with this capacity. How we use it, and what we do about it is the real question. Gen.1:26-28 says we were made to be like God, ie in thinking and behaviour.

      The only way we can do this is to understand his ways, and from knowing his will, follow his ways. That's the whole story of the Bible.

  3. I am a big fan of David Icke, thanks for this!
