Did you know that Jesus Christ was NOT born on December 25th?
Did you know that the birthday of many pagan gods WAS indeed on December 25th?
Did you know that many of our current Christmas traditions have their roots in paganism?
Did you know that Jesus was actually born in the fall during the Feast of Tabernacles?
Get the truth.
Hundreds of millions around the world eagerly look forward to celebrating Christmas, Easter and other popular holidays. What are the origins of these cherished traditions? You will be surprised at what the Bible has to say.
And did you know Christans do NOT celebrate these pagans roots in case you didn't know the Queen of England ws not born in June either, and yet that is the day we celebrate her birthday
ReplyDeleteMay I suggest you concentrate on celebrating what Christs birth actually means, and his death and resurrection and a little less time on pagans holidays...
Choose ye this day whom you will serve, either Christ or pagan gods.
Modern Christianity is a farce. Go ahead and believe what you will. If you put up an evergreen tree in your house and decorate it you are celebrating Saturnalia. Besides, almost all religion is based on astrology, so again, believe what you want...there is only one truth, believe it or not.
ReplyDeleteI agree anonymous. Christ never commanded his followers to celebrate his birth, rather he commanded them to observe his death by means of the passover. Jesus 'DIED' for our sins. That was to be remembered and honored. Just remember who is the master deceiver - Satan. He is behind ALL false religion, including paganism. So while there are many who genuinely love Jesus, and think they are glorifying him with celebrations such as christmas, unfortunately your worship IS being re-directed to the Ruler of 'this' system - Satan.
ReplyDeleteIf it was good enogh for his parents to received gifts given to him, I have no problem celebrating his birth.
ReplyDeleteIf you only want to acknowledge his death go ahead.
As you say satan is the deceiver.
Believe whatever you choose.
Modern Christiainity is NOt a face. the apostate church is a farce, I have had many JEWS try and deny me my salvation before you are not the first to try it on.
Many Jews refuse to acknowledge the gentiles grafted in.
May God have mercy on your souls.
Paula the Jews indeed rejected Jesus as well. The Jews and Israelites then ceased to be gods special chosen people, and that privilege was opened to all Gentiles who were willing to accept the glorious Good News that Jesus delivered, the first of these being Cornelius.
ReplyDeleteThe Bible shows that we offend God if we try to worship him in a way that he does not approve of.—Exodus 32:5-7
My point was not to offend, but to help honest hearted Christians to realise the observance of Christmas is not of divine appointment, nor is it of New Testament origin.
Have a Blessed Christian Day. I like to celebrate my christian day on Christmas is the idea. My name is Cheryl Martone of 'US Concerned Parents'(on google) support group; email: ctparents@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteEither the words are true or they are not, irrespective of whether a person signs their name or posts anonymously.
ReplyDeleteAppreciating the past brutality of 'the church', both catholic & protestant versions, I can understand why many folks post anonymously.
Fact is, christmas, easter, holy days, as well as many of the tokens, symbols, practices & beliefs now accepted as Christian do not have their origin in the Bible or from God. They are clearly a blend of paganism, superstition, and Bible teaching. If you think God is honoured or pleased by this form of compromise, then I suggest you are far far away from him, irrespective of what you may claim. You are probably just worshipping a man made 'image of God', and not God himself.
At this stage I would normally produce some relevant scriptural references, but from experience I know it usually has little impact on those who are already full.
DeleteRom 1:21-23 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
Well said people. It can be hard witnessing the truth to people, Jeremiah experienced this in his day to. Jesus' words at Matthew 7:22,23 ring so true. He explained many would profess to do 'powerful' works in his name, but he would profess "I never knew you. Get away from me you workers of lawlessness.
DeleteDon't give up spreading the truth about the good news of gods coming kingdom. For it will be taught in all the inhabited earth for a witness, and then the end will come. Matthew 24:14