Monday, 31 December 2012

Martial Law in America Before Memorial Day According To Sources

This Video segment features Dr Bill Deagle and John Moore. According to sources martial law will be declared in America by Memorial Day, likely by March 2013. This video segment taken from....Dr Deagle Show 2012/12/28 - PREPAREDNESS, CIVIL DEFENSE, MARTIAL LAW AND EARTH CHANGES . There will be Marial Law in this country between now and Memorial day


  1. If so,...this will be America's second Civil War and many will die to preserve freedom & liberty...

  2. Yes many would die, and I for one pray to god this does not have to happen. But in order to stop a fight, both parties have to come to the conclusion that there is no gain by doing so. The the fight that is brewing is like the play ground bully that pushes the quiet kid just too far. the quiet kid does not want trouble but comes the conclusion that is seems to look like no matter what he tries to do, he is going to get a bloody nose. So when he finds himself cornered he resolves there is no choice. Game on. It does not have to be this way. Lets pray for a fair solution to the situation. I have been!
