Thursday, 27 December 2012

Sandy Hook Shooting - Gun Control Hoax - (Full)

Sandy Hook Gun Control Hoax - (3rd attempt to upload full 20 minute version) From the "medical examiner" to the reports of a second shooter being pulled out of the woods, and arrested wearing camouflaged pants and a black jacket who was put into the "front seat" of a cop-car (never followed up on by mainstream media), to the immediate "emotional" remarks calling for gun control- this entire event stinks to high heaven. Initially, we were told the "mother" was a teacher at the school, and she was shot at the school, since then, we were told she was "a substitute teacher" at the school, who was not actually at the school- and was shot at here home.. After that we were told "she doesn't appear on any official school lists.." The gun supposedly used to shoot all these kids was found in the trunk of the car? The school itself supposedly has key-pad entry as a security enhancement, which should have stopped the alleged gunman intruder from entering- not to mention, the school supposedly had a surveillance video camera system (of course we don't get to see any of the video). The "medical examiner" character seems to be extremely suspect, he doesn't know how many boys and girls there were, and can't answer most questions presented to him.. No elected official should ever be making an "emotional response" to any sort of incident, instead, they should make a "calm and collected, logical response" taking into account the Constitution of the United States, and the rights delineated there within. Instead, the day of the event we are hearing about "gun control legislation" and "the need to remove assault weapons and further restrict the 2nd Amendment". This false-flag shooting appears to follow the same modus operandi as many others- the use of a "very smart, but physically weak shooter" (therefore instilling the idea that without a firearm, this person would be completely impotent to carry out violence) is always used. There is never any surveillance video (even though surveillance cameras are now ubiquitous in our country) and there never seems to be any photographic evidence either. We never get to hear form the accused (in the case of Aurora, the guy was drugged out of his mind, obviously after the fact, as he would not have been able to kill as many people as he allegedly did if he was that drugged at the time) and in the case of the Sandy Hook event- the "killer" is conveniently dead on arrival. Americans had better realize we are all getting played soon- in my opinion it is extremely obvious, and hopefully through my videos more people will realize what a garbage hoax is being perpetrated on the trusting and ignorant American public.


  1. Obama talks about eliminating evil from the world; Yeah, let's start with you and Congress. That's a REALLY GOOD start!

  2. Well Done. What really strikes me about this video is that it really reminds me of what took place in China during the communist takeover. People who spoke out against the tyranny were threateneed with arrest, so actors put on stage productions using inuendos to point out the tactics of the tyranical forces. They couldn't say right out what was wrong with the situation or they would be arrested so they had to find round about ways of speaking out.

  3. Most Americans it seems are so locked down mentally via all sorts of methodologies that common sense is not very common! Political correctness, TV, Sports &, Food, Food Food! takes up all their time in a day..oh a bit of work thrown in.... although living in an de- industrialized country turning on the PC would be about it? Too much..Too easy..For too long! The chickens are coming home to roost and they are wearing black uniforms, carrying assault rifles. With no guns to defend themselves an loved ones...what will they do?? FEMA, has a new home for the masses of the un- united states of America, at least for those that dodge the gas chambers! Not happening you say?? Turn off the TV look into Alex Jones..David Icke..Maxwell Egan..the Alternative media, get informed and rise up..the world is watching! If Americans can beat the few globalist that are ruining humanity and our planet, the rest of the countries will follow by example and rise up as well. WAKE UP NOW PEOPLE!!

  4. The USURPER wiped a tear out of his eye? He flicked it from the outside corner? Wow, how emotional can one get? While they're eliminating evil, how about taking the media with them? These people are absolutely too stupid to live.

  5. While a tragedy unfolding like this will cause mistakes in reporting while each media outlet scrambles to be the first to report something, it is still a tragedy and not a hoax by any large stretch of your diluted conspiracy troubled mind. You would be my first candidate for a mental health evaluation before owning any firearm, or walking in public for that matter.
