Friday, 21 December 2012

Obama to Use Executive Order to Ban Guns ~ Mike Rivero

The bankers & corporations control the government, they are attempting to fully convert the u.s. into a socialist culture & society, Once a majority of Citizens accept 'DEPENDENCY' on government (socialism) it is full speed ahead with TAXES & POLICE. government today is a silent form of a monarchy. They will increase government employees to an insane level, county state & federal. It is present day form of SLAVERY for the white man & everyone else ,once they take away the average citizen's guns the country & society fast tracked to the acceptance & compliance to federal centralized government. They know that in order to complete the full conversion of the u.s. Citizens to accept and comply with socialism they MUST have a significant portion of the u.s population surrender their guns! Once this is accomplished the u.s. will convert to socialism / corporatism almost OVER NIGHT!!


  1. Not constitutional dumbass. That will NEVER happen.

  2. not constitutional ????? that dont matter anymore they wipe there ass with it anymore ...your the dumbass

  3. Mike, I HATE to say it, but you are "WAY OFF BASE" regarding Obuma and the "Constitution." He doesn't give a RATT'S BUTT about our beloved "Constitution!" And so many of the gun shops are now closing because of the HORROR of "Sandy Hook," plus they are being harrassed by the so-called law-enforcers. On a BRIGHTER NOTE, Obuma did appoint Biden to look after the his new "Gun Ban." We all know that Biden couldn't find his way out of a "PAPER BAG!"

  4. Mike, I HATE to say it, but you are "WAY OFF BASE" regarding Obuma and the "Constitution." He doesn't give a RATT'S BUTT about our beloved "Constitution!" And so many of the gun shops are now closing because of the HORROR of "Sandy Hook," plus they are being harrassed by the so-called law-enforcers. On a BRIGHTER NOTE, Obuma did appoint Biden to look after the his new "Gun Ban." We all know that Biden couldn't find his way out of a "PAPER BAG!"

  5. Will never happen.... Even if he signs something into law. I'd like to see him or anyone from the gov come and try to take them....

  6. They took our guns in Australia after the Port Arthur massacre, now with the way the world is going we are sheep for the slaughter when they bring in their one world Government. America is the last nut to crack with weapons owned by the public, if they succeed their the whole world is fucked.
