Wednesday, 26 December 2012

The Maitreya Prophecies & The Masters with Benjamin Creme

Coast to Coast AM ~ Maitreya Prophecies & The Masters

Benjamin Creme, the official spokesperson for the "world teacher" Maitreya, appeared during the middle two hours of the program. Maitreya (photos), he said, can make himself visible in any form, using "familiars" who become vehicles for his consciousness. In fact, Creme said that it was Maitreya's consciousness that worked through Jesus during his final three years leading up to the crucifixion. Maitreya, he added, also gave advice and instructions to Yasser Arafat, whom Creme characterized as a "great man."

In addition to Maitreya, there are 14 other spiritual "masters of wisdom" who have returned to the world, to assist humanity in moving from one cosmic cycle to the next, including Jesus, who is now located in Rome, said Creme. The other planets in our solar system are teeming with life, though it is on the etheric planes, he noted. UFOs are also made of this less dense, etheric matter but can become visible when they temporarily lower their rate of vibration in order to be seen, he explained.

We can evolve by becoming detached from our emotions, and recognizing that they have no more reality than dreams, Creme advised. He also advocated practicing honesty of mind and sincerity of spirit. In the final hour, Open Lines featured callers reacting to Creme's appearance.


Benjamin Creme, a British artist and long-time student of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings, has become the principal source of information about the emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher. In 1959, Mr. Creme received his first telepathic message from a Master of Wisdom. Not long after, he was informed that Maitreya would return within 20 years and that he (Creme) would be given the opportunity to play an active role in this event if he chose to do so. Mr. Creme has written 10 books, gives lectures, and is interviewed regularly on radio and television. He is also coeditor of Share International, a monthly magazine read in over 70 countries.

Maitreya (Sanskrit), Metteyya (Pāli), or Jampa (Tibetan), is foretold as a future Buddha of this world in Buddhist eschatology. In some Buddhist literature, such as the Amitabha Sutra and the Lotus Sutra, he is referred to as Ajita Bodhisattva.

Maitreya is a bodhisattva who in the Buddhist tradition is to appear on Earth, achieve complete enlightenment, and teach the pure dharma. According to scriptures, Maitreya will be a successor of the historic Śākyamuni Buddha. The prophecy of the arrival of Maitreya references a time when the Dharma will have been forgotten on Jambudvipa. It is found in the canonical literature of all Buddhist sects (Theravāda, Mahāyāna, Vajrayāna), and is accepted by most Buddhists as a statement about an event that will take place when the Dharma will have been forgotten on Earth.


The name Maitreya (Metteyya in Pāli) is derived from the Sanskrit word maitrī (Pāli: mettā) meaning "loving-kindness", which is in turn derived from the noun mitra (Pāli: mitta) in the sense of "friend".

The earliest mention of Metteyya is in the Cakavatti (Sihanada) Sutta in the Digha Nikaya 26 of the Pali Canon. He occurs in no other sutta in the Pali Canon, and this casts doubt as to the sutta's authenticity. Most of the Buddha's sermons are presented as preached in answer to a question, or in some other appropriate context, but this one has a beginning and an ending in which the Buddha is talking to monks about something totally different. This leads Gombrich to conclude that either whole sutta is apocryphal, or it has at least been tampered with.

Maitreya is sometimes represented seated on a throne Western-style, and venerated both in Mahāyāna and non-Mahāyāna Buddhism. Some have speculated that inspiration for Maitreya may have come from the ancient Indo-Iranian deity Mithra. The primary comparison between the two characters appears to be the similarity of their names. According to a book entitled The Religion of the Iranian Peoples, "No one who has studied the Zoroastrian doctrine of the Saoshyants or the coming saviour-prophets can fail to see their resemblance to the future Maitreya.

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