Sunday, 23 December 2012

Holograms , Electronic Harassment & Warfare

Holograms , Electronic Harassment & Warfare

Scientist and innovator Dr. Fred Bell discussed reports of electronic harassment and holographic warfare technology. Electronic harassment comes in a variety of forms-- it can be imposed surveillance of people's belongings or surroundings, sabotaging of computers, directed high energy devices, as well as voice/data imaging, in which voices are beamed into a person's head.

The symptoms of electronic harassment include unusual forgetfulness, suicidal & homicidal thoughts, panic attacks, depression, and paranoia, he detailed. In some cases, he continued, it can include the stoppage of power to appliances, movement of objects that might fall of a shelf and break, and computer failures and problems. One type of attack, he said, is carried out by "confusion weaponry" which uses frequencies or impulses to disrupt thoughts. He cited an LA newscaster who garbled her words in a live report, as possibly being a target of the technology.

Bell also talked about the advancement of satellites, which can knock things out of the sky with EMP pulses. Law enforcement is developing devices to remotely shut down the electronic ignition of cars they're chasing, he added. Victims of electronic harassment can use counteraction technology to block energy or absorb microwave radiation, he stated. One of his recent inventions is the QBAM (Quantum Biological Administrating Machine), a quantum healing device.


Fred Bell, a flying saucer contactee, was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan. After high school he joined the Air Force. He was trained to work on radar and was stationed at a facility where numerous UFO contacts were tracked. Following his time in the Air Force, he worked with Rockwell International and then as a consultant to various companies in the aerospace industry. It was during this time that he became interested in Eastern spirituality and studied with several spiritual masters. He also obtained a degree in alternative medicine and became a lecturer on behalf of the National Health Federation (an organization advocating freedom of medical choice for the public).

A directed-energy weapon (DEW) emits energy in an aimed direction without the means of a projectile. It transfers energy to a target for a desired effect. Intended effects may be non-lethal or lethal. Some such weapons are real, or are under active research and development.

The energy can come in various forms: Electromagnetic radiation, in lasers or masers Particles with mass, in particle beam weapons (Technically a form of micro-projectile weapon) Sound, in sonic weapons

Flamethrowers do not fall into this category, as they are actually projectile weapons, the projectile (gas or liquid) is simply on fire.

Some such weapons, perhaps most, at present appear only in science fiction, non-functional toys, film props or animation.

In science fiction, these weapons are sometimes known as death rays or rayguns and are usually portrayed as projecting energy at a person or object to kill or destroy. Many modern examples of science fiction have more specific names for directed energy weapons, due to research advances.

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to report electronic harassment in Naugatuck ct! Please send help, I'd like to report Anthony c. Oliviera!!! Gangstalker who has been electronically harassing me through physical and mental torture, by brainwashing, threats of death violence to my mother and myself! Physically he has given us heart attacks, strokes, heart palpations, annurisms, and near death circumstances on a daily basis. Electronically assaulting innocent victims through torture with these tasing blasts and pumping my heart till the point where I can't breath! Taking my freedom away through taking away employment, and making my mother and I look insane or crazy by this Propoganda ! Please help we fear for our safety through these horrific acts of cruelty to humanity. They keep us awake and verbally assault us! Imploding our stomaches and electrocute our minds to make us quote unquote special! I have contacted many agencies of human rights! Countless posts, countless web sites and even contacted mayor and state attorneys office. I have countless audio and pictures to prove what is going on and I have spent over 3000 hours of research on the subject which most information in my notebooks were stolen as well as countless items of personal items and heirlooms ! Microwave torture and harassment has been going on for over a year now that I at least know of'! This electronic harassment has caused severe and psychological damage and I need to find and seek justice for my mother ANC myself as well as victims of this horrific punishment! If someone can help us please call my cell phone at 203-824-8099 Naugatuck ct. I've read and studied countless number of hours of research only to be brainwashed or so called hipnptized to be manipulated ANC of destroyed mentally and physically. I'm looking to stop this torture that no one should ever have created whether legally or from underground groups that thrive on this sick and disgusting behavior! My name is David M. Ismail and I live at 7 orchard Terrace Naugatuck CT. I live with my mother Linda Ismail please help, thank you INVESTIGATE ANTHONY CARINHA OLIVEIRA JOHN PAOLINO ALL OLIVEIRA'S ALL PAOLINO'S/PAOLOMINO'S!! RONALD JAY PUGLIESE CORRUPT NAUGATUCK PRIVATE DETECTIVE!!! MK ULTRA ... SOON TO BE A MURDER VICTIM IF I CANT GET HELP! BRAIN ANNURYSM/COMA SUDDEN DEATH HEART ATTACK
