Friday, 28 December 2012

Obama Will Declare Martial Law says Russian Professor Igor Panarin

Obama Will Declare Martial Law says Russian Professor Igor Panarin
Some people want to tell you how the USA Corporation will break up If they don't know America well, they might say, North, East, West and South This is too simple Arizona and California are neighbors, but California is a Nazi state It's a tax prison and they assume that you made money, then send you a bill for that amount I would never go back, as long as Nazis are in control there and if California falls into the ocean, I hope the Nazis drown and then the land rises again, because it is a very lovely state, but Arizona and California are not engaged in talks about forming a small country out here I hope Arizona says, 'We quit! We don't want to be part of the federal system any more! Take your federal laws and your inflation, your lies about space and the unemployment rates, take your executive orders and federal regulations and shove them up your ass!'


  1. Could it be that Obama is doing all that becouse he want to get America free from the New World Order??

  2. Dear friend,
    I like to inform you that America and many others nations in the world, have got the new Keshe’s technology, that could change the destiny of are planet and of mankind, but our governments keep it secret, because they do not want to give free energy e many others revolutionary technology to Humanity. Please see the video, inform yourself about “The Keshe Foundations” and tell the world, so to make our governments start to work for a better world. God Bless you for what you can do. Thank you!
    Blessings and love to all of you

  3. More false prophesy, accusations, and fear mongering. Complete and utter BS. Bookmark this page and come back to it often in 2013 to see just how false the statements are. Aliens! Come on. This is either a complete joke or this guy is a lunatic!

  4. Good of you to put your name to your statement, wimp.
