Friday, 14 December 2012

Alex Jones vs Mark Dice The Gloves are Off

All this internal fighting aside here are the facts today : The fact is that the "enemy" of We The People in the USA is not the boogymen like Iran and Syria, indeed those nations would be the natural allies of free men, against the tyrants mainly tyrannical global elite that occupy OUR nations' government. Funny how Iran has NOT initiated an agressive war against another nation in over two centuries, yet these globalist tyrants controlling the US gov't want to attack it. Now they will take your guns, and no, all your Second Amendment bluster aside, you are not going to do anything about it. You are not going to take on Marines with state-of-the-art automatic weapons and the best body armor you cannot buy protected by armed personnel carriers and attack helicopters unless you choose to die that day — for nothing. You will either be in the country or out, and if you are in, you will stay in and you will comply.That is your choice for the moment.


  1. Ha Ha Ha the Chauffeur vs the Godfather

  2. The man has a good heart,I do not agree with all he says either.He is trying to stop evil people, as you are.I have a hard time thinking poorly of a man who wants something here of value for his, and your children, and all of ours.He's had many people on as guests that have helped me understand.There was a time that I actually believed in this country, not any more. We need to start over and we need all of you good men working together to unite the people,so we have a chance.Look past his insecurity and you will see his heart. Good luck to you young man.

  3. Mentioning let alone remembering this insecure idiots name would be a mammoth task for the most infantile of minds. This is not the chauffeur versus the Godfather, this is boy washing the chariots after he has shoveled the dhit out of the horses barn. What a Wanker!

  4. Who the heck is this blabbermouth "Mark Dice"? I've never heard of him, but judging by this video, he's just some loser with a blog who only knows how to call names and criticize others. That's what all the globalist-propaganda-pushers do, because that's all they've got.

    OTOH, everyone knows who Alex Jones is. You don't have to agree with everything he says (or ignore the fact that he has ADHD, which causes him to be a buttinsky with his guests but also gives him his incredible focus for the cause of liberty) to sense that he has a good heart and loves the USA. And BTW, I've never heard him state that we can win against the globalist takeover by use of guns. In fact, he says we cannot, and urges everyone NOT to incite violence.)

  5. what a pompas ass, just look up the govt. document that alex discuses.or look up the reports he quotes from the lamesteam media all the docunents exist exists. what does Alex Jones lie about. the federal reserve imf, banker globalist control, the evil at bohemian grove ,council on forein relations, geoengeneering, haarp, gun control and total global governance, anybody denying any of this is just too lazy to do the research. this guy seems jealous and ignorant I only new of him through the alex jones show

  6. Mr. Dice, what exactly is your problem? Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with everything Alex Jones touts, but I do know the guy does his research, and that he is trying to make this a better world for his children and yours. I already knew about the "CFR", "Bohemian Grove," "Tri-Lateral Commision," etc, etc...but Mr. Jones is very detailed in his research and his findings, and he usually has guests on that know from whence they speak. So I'm not quite sure what your BEEF IS!

  7. Buss Off Sock puppet!

  8. Mark Dice likes what he does. Unfortunately, we live in a profit based society. Mark would like to make money at what he does. By degrading Alex Jones he hopes to gain noteriety because Alex Jones, although annoying and egotistical, is very popular. Just my opinion.
