Monday, 17 December 2012

December 21, 2012 - What will Really Happen ?

the world is bigger then earth or our solar time line so it is not the end of the world , it only be the end of a chapter and a moment for the next step of evolution of our earth our solar system ,our body our mind , symptoms are visible all over the world showing that people and earth is changing if you believe it or not it shall be as it is already happening .


  1. Nothing will happen.Nothing.

  2. Tolic can suck my cosmic dick!!!And who the fuck picked this music. Sounds like a bad sci fi movie.

  3. Marshall Masters believes we will see two suns in the sky on that day. We shall see other than that 2012 is the beginning of everything then over the next few years the end then a new beginning. It is cyclical and has happened many times in the past. Even the HOPI tell us of the Purification to come.
